SvenKayser / JMOD

The Javascript MOD Loader
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Feature request : Basic rails and minecart like features #1

Closed Carbon-Ghost closed 7 years ago

Carbon-Ghost commented 8 years ago

Self explainatory, basically I want a unique set of rail with a unique minecart that can go on it ( which will be called "tram" ingame ) and if possible, make it move at a constant speed. TLDR : Rails, set maxSpeed and acceleration as vars and Wagons that have isAffectedByGravity and speedConstant as vars ^^

ghost commented 8 years ago

While it's an intriguing idea to expand JMOD to this, I cannot make any estimations on when it will be doable.

SvenKayser commented 7 years ago

I'm still intrigued by the idea, but with other priorities at hand I'm not sure when and if I will implement this. If you are up to the task, please feel free to do it yourself once 1.0.5 is done, and submit a PR when done.

SvenKayser commented 7 years ago

I might pick this up eventually, but probably never. The offer to implement it yourself still stands.