SvenLieber / website

The source code of my website (described at
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Further improve SEO and make the website 5-star Linked Data by integrating also links to other datasets #1

Open SvenLieber opened 1 year ago

SvenLieber commented 1 year ago

The newest version of Wochemy (version 5) which I started to use (, has improved annotation due to an integrated Wowchemy-SEO plugin. compared to the very old outdated version I used.

However, even though content is better annotated it can be better. Namely I would consider it 4 star Linked Data, but I would like to have 5 star Linked Data: linking to other Linked Data datasets in the web such as Wikidata.

SvenLieber commented 1 year ago

Preliminary analysis

The following partials create JSON-LD for the different website pages (main page, articles, blog posts, events):

Those partials have access to the variables of the page front matter (via $page.Params), I couldn't access the site variables. Following the Hugo template lookup order, I can copy the existing partials into layouts/partials/jsonld and maintain there a local adapted copy which I have to maintain and adapt for future theme updates.

Possible solution

I could add more metadata to the existing author list variable of a page frontmatter, but this would cause compatibility issues with future theme versions as I would change a core variable of the theme which is used by several templates of the theme. Currently it is simply a list of names, if I would convert it to a list of dictionaries or something similar, I would have to adapt all templates using the author metadata.

It is better to define my own variables in a page frontmatter apart and adapt the existing partials to iterate over that data structure. This has the advantage that I do not change a core variable of the theme and only adapt a few partial templates. One disadvantage, due to the missing access possibility of the page scope, is that I would have to define author metadata on each and every page, but often I have the same co-authors for several publications (thus I would have to copy/paste a lot of data).

According to Google, there should not be structured data which is not visible in one way or another to a human user.

For the clickable links for the page itself I can add buttons as they already exist in the template, for other things on the page, for example for authors, I can add small icons next to it, for example like Orcid icons in academic publications.

Example of Orcid logo use on the SWIB 22 website:

<p><a href="speakers.html#Xf9bdbdfd09c9a3ccc868ea7872a9b2be201cd7f4a0b9ea3c79820f6e35fea180">Sven Lieber</a> <a href=""><img src="images/orcid.png" title="ORCID: 0000-0002-7304-3787"></a>, Ann Van Camp <a href=""><img src="images/orcid.png" title="ORCID: 0000-0002-1915-5956"></a>, Hannes Lowagie <a href=""><img src="images/orcid.png" title="ORCID: 0000-0002-0671-3568"></a></p>
SvenLieber commented 1 year ago

I got the used Orcid color from their brand guidelines: