Sverchok / SverchokRedux

A reimplementation of Sverchok
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Prelim branch #9

Closed zeffii closed 8 years ago

zeffii commented 9 years ago

I'm going to start somewhere, so that's what the Prelim branch is. The naming and conventions are by no means permament, but I think they make sense (but will of-course be subject to the collective mood)

I think i'll start with adding a panel to a new CustomTreeType view, so sort out the relative imports / import reloads and then take it further. You are welcome to contribute, but maybe give me a day before pushing code to Prelim. or start your own branch of Prelim.

nortikin commented 9 years ago

do prelim aimed to make placeholders for all undefined stuff?

zeffii commented 9 years ago

yeah, I recommend branching from it and not editing it directly... i'll be branching from it too when I've time to

nortikin commented 9 years ago

Start from basic defs in data_structure_np that will handle only numpy manipulations, than we can make text viewer, i lovely will write definitions to show data in text file. if you know, frame in node tree can show text files, so in node area we see text viewer data. handy. or we can add graphicall representation of data itself with opengl or QT

ccamara commented 9 years ago

Since you're starting from scratch, and since you don't seem very convinced with branches and naming, let me suggest to use a gitflow workflow (you can read excelent explanation -far better than the one I could write now here- on this post from Vincent Driessen and this one on atlasian).

Let me summarise it:

Workflow: There are two main branches (master and develop) and secondary branches. I'd propose that each feature (eg. each issue on github) would have its own branch (and it would be great if we prefixed each branch with the issue number -as well as commit messages). Each feature branch would be created from develop branch and merged to develop again as soon as it has been finished (and ideally verified/supervised by some other person). Whenever develop branch is feature complete and does not present any regression, it would be merged to master and tagged with a new release.

Pros This workflow has many advantages, some of them being:

Hope you can consider this suggestion, even though it comes from someone who has barely contributed to Sverchock (just added one line) despite I'm following it from quite some time.

zeffii commented 9 years ago

I think we've been close to gitflow since the first major refactor by @wclyffe last year. At least those of us who have contributed most code have tried to follow this already. We will continue to work this way because it has proven quite successful.

Right now there we are still in a phase of re-boostrapping, and don't have anything to commit to master.

zeffii commented 9 years ago

But having said that we have Sverchok more structured like the Blender project itself, which is one Master branch and countless Feature branches, forgoing the 'develop' branch as we have at times been working on very different features simultaneously. The point of a development branch seems a little excessive and just an extra step for merging.. It's something we considered early on, but it never was practical for Sverchok.

zeffii commented 9 years ago

we could certainly add an Issue number to branches that are specific to a Bug Fix process

nortikin commented 9 years ago

agree to add some order. master than release (to make todo files for exact versions, but it conflict with agile development paradigm some, but make sense) than development. Maybe Sverchok not so huge yet for milestones as versions tags? but in future it will appear. Now we can have development branch wich is prelim for redux stage. We will merge it to Original sverchok master later. Maybe to clean branches in original sverchok git??? what do you think?

nortikin commented 9 years ago

forking is it a way to reduce branches count? for now there are too many.

ccamara commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your comments, @nortikin and @zeffii

About Forks: Forks are not thought specifically for having less branches but for as a collaboration method. The fork / pull request method works like this:

This method is great because it prevents errors from being included in the original repo since it requires manual supervision from trusted users. A part from peer reviewing it can be extended with Continuous Integration Tools such as Travis (I don't know how could it be added in python apps, but it may be useful for checking coding standards, for example -since I don't have enough experience with python I do not know if I am saying nonsense or not, forgive me if I am doing so :P)

More info:

About Agile development IMHO I don't see any inconvenient in using gitflow with an agile approach. In fact I have been working in a company doing drupal projects using SCRUM and gitflow with quite success, although we didn't use milestones as a goal. We created user stories and each user story had several tasks, being each of them an issue on Github which had to be developed on its own branch (prefixed with issue number). Usually each branch had only one commit (we amended the commit with commit amend instead of creating new ones) which has a message containing the issue number (so it gets linked to the issue). The feature branch was merged (in fact it was rebased) to development branch when accepted by other peers. Being said that, I don't mean that what worked for us has to work for sverchock or has to be implemented here! (just giving some point of view!)

About having too many branches I don't see why this could be a problem (Specially if they are prefixed with a number, which makes its goal clearer), but there are some ways to tackle this situation:

About develop vs master branch It may not make any sense right now (in fact, it doesn't since there's no stable version), but in the future may be useful because we would have a master branch which is completely stable and a development branch which may have few problems. As I have said I do not have experience in python (and not proficient at all in other programming languages) but I'd bet that there may be problems that won't appear in a feature branch but only show up when merging with other people work doing in parallell, so that would be detected in develop branch and won't affect anyone whith sverchock already installed (this happened to me quite some time ago -at the begining, so you may not have these kind of problems now). But again, it's just my opinion and despite merging does not require a lot of time (Well, some times it does if they are conflicts when merging old commits) I agree it adds extra steps. The good news is that this can be easily be changed in the future if you see there's a need for that or not.


zeffii commented 9 years ago

@ccamara I think I was not very articulate in my first post in the thread, regarding naming conventions. This was not talking about the name of the branch, but instead the naming used for the code structures .

As for the branch names, we've done branches per feature / node and fix branches, but I guess we could make them more uniform. I fail to see however how this will increase accessibility to new coders. We've had success with 8 or 9 coder contributions, but no remarks for potential coders claiming that the code was hard to get into ..

zeffii commented 9 years ago

In the end the project gets formed by people who actively contribute code, no-one else.

ccamara commented 9 years ago

Indeed @zeffii

You're the ones that are making the code and thus, the ones who decide how to do it. I do not have anything to complain about that, of course!

zeffii commented 8 years ago

this is no longer needed.