SvetlanaPrus / s.prus-portfolio

(In the process...) Website-portfolio, own project. The following technologies have been used so far: HTML/SCSS, React-Spring, Webpack, Babel, Javascript, React, EmailJS
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Portfolio: add modal window with projects description & link #47

Closed SvetlanaPrus closed 1 year ago

SvetlanaPrus commented 1 year ago

Project Descriptions: Below the link to your launched project, there should be a description explaining what the project is about. This can be two to three bullet points. The tech stack used on the project should be the first, followed by the product description. What problem does the product solve or what does this project do? You should also name two features you solely contributed to the project. Focus on “I” statements rather than “we.” The company isn’t looking to hire the team, they are looking to hire you. There should also be a github repo link to all the projects in your portfolio.

SvetlanaPrus commented 1 year ago

Done in #23