SwEnt-Group13 / Unio

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Add [User Edition] New feature enabling the user to edit his profile #203

Closed AlouchLaBouche closed 6 days ago

AlouchLaBouche commented 1 week ago

This PR aims to add the ability for a user to edit his profile :rocket: . He can now, after creating his account, modify his first and last name, biography, interests, socials and profile picture. This is done through the my profile page and clicking on the top right icon, and then selecting Edit Profile. This is extremely similar to the account details composable that was done a few sprints ago, and it was discussed whether to reuse it entirely or not for the edit user profile, but due to small differences that were difficult to parametrize such as test tags or differences in UI layout/texts, it was decided to add an entirely new composable. I tried my best to extract most of the components in the UserEditionComponents.kt file but there is still a lot of duplication due to reasons mentioned in the precious sentence.
This PR is still a draft due to the merger of @Aurelien9Code branch, I'm experiencing some navigation issues, but is should be fixed pretty quickly!

sonarcloud[bot] commented 6 days ago

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68.8% Coverage on New Code
0.0% Duplication on New Code

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