SwagLyrics / SwagLyrics-For-Spotify

📃 Get lyrics of currently playing Spotify song so you don't sing along with the wrong ones and embarrass yourself later. Very fast.
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[FEATURE] Display Genius song url #2297

Open cwagner22 opened 4 years ago

cwagner22 commented 4 years ago

It'd be nice to display the current song's genius url in order to navigate to it easily. I would appreciate this feature so I can see the lyrics' annotations for example. (it could be also interesting to have them displayed directly in the app).

aadibajpai commented 4 years ago

That is a good idea, I thought of hyperlinking at some point of time to the title. It just involves a bit of rejig with the API for lyrics resolved through there. I think I can do this soon when I do a code sprint to resolve some of the stuff. Maybe a week or so :)

aadibajpai commented 4 years ago

on it now, the problem is of how different terminals handle links