Swaggies / BetterEXP

Lethal Company mod to replace the vanilla EXP system with a more advanced system.
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Mod reset my xp to 0 #6

Closed NineOfGaming closed 5 months ago

NineOfGaming commented 5 months ago

I had around 1800 xp, installed the mod, now i have 0 and cant get it back

Swaggies commented 5 months ago

are you referring to your vanilla EXP or BetterEXP's BXP?

in terms of vanilla EXP, nothing is changed upon installation of the mod.

in terms of BetterEXP's BXP, your vanilla EXP is used to determine your starting BXP.

NineOfGaming commented 5 months ago

It reset my vanilla XP

when i started the game after installing the mod, it told me it converted my previous XP (1800) to BXP and i now have 0 BXP

I also typed bxp/vanilla in chat and it told me i have 0 vanilla XP

I went to the base game without mods and there my vanilla XP has also been set to 0

I also dont have any other mods that tamper with the vanilla XP system

At least I managed to get my vanilla XP back for now with the GameMaster Mod

Swaggies commented 5 months ago

your vanilla xp mustve already been 0 by the time BetterEXP was installed if it initially set you to 0 BXP.

NineOfGaming commented 5 months ago

very strange, anyways, is there a way to fully reset the mod? since now the hasAssignedInitialRank variable is set to true and i cant try to check if it happens again since uninstalling and reinstalling the mod doesnt reset that variable

Swaggies commented 5 months ago

yeah, delete the txt file in C:/Users/<user>/AppData/LocalLow/ZeekerssRBLX/Lethal Company/swaggies/BetterEXP, then load a save.

this should prompt a re-seeding for bxp.

NineOfGaming commented 5 months ago

Was unsure if that would work or not so i left it initially

I deleted the file and it did assign me the correct amount of BXP this time

Am unsure what caused the bug and even more strangely am unable to recreate it

Swaggies commented 5 months ago

i see. no clue either as to what caused the situation to begin with.

youre welcome to close this if youd like, or you could continue investigating. as far as i know, BetterEXP shouldnt tamper with vanilla exp like that.

NineOfGaming commented 5 months ago

My first guess was that when creating a new save file the mod checks for vanilla XP before the object is created, however that doesnt make much sense and when i tried it again, it worked as it should.

So i guess that maybe it was just a weird bug where the game itself had some sort of error when loading the save data and decided that i have 0 XP or something.

But since i cant recreate the XP reset bug i cant really do anything about it now so ill just say it was a skill issue from the game.

Its a good mod though imo.