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GraphIE: A Graph-Based Framework for Information Extraction #704

Open Swall0w opened 5 years ago

Swall0w commented 5 years ago

Yujie Qian, Enrico Santus, Zhijing Jin, Jiang Guo, Regina Barzilay

Most modern Information Extraction (IE) systems are implemented as sequential taggers and focus on modelling local dependencies. Non-local and non-sequential context is, however, a valuable source of information to improve predictions. In this paper, we introduce GraphIE, a framework that operates over a graph representing both local and non-local dependencies between textual units (i.e. words or sentences). The algorithm propagates information between connected nodes through graph convolutions and exploits the richer representation to improve word level predictions. The framework is evaluated on three different tasks, namely social media, textual and visual information extraction. Results show that GraphIE outperforms a competitive baseline (BiLSTM+CRF) in all tasks by a significant margin.
