SwarmOnline / Ext.ux.TouchCalendar

Sencha Touch Calendar component
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TouchCalendarSimpleEvents in month view does not work with TouchCalendarEvents in day view #31

Open kkakani opened 10 years ago

kkakani commented 10 years ago

Using TouchCalendarSimpleEvents in month view shows simple dots for events. But I would like to see the event details in the day view, hence am using TouchCalendarEvents while registering the day view. But this does not seem to work, day view shows nothing.

Even the SimpleEvents example on the site does not seem to work. Dots are seen in the month view but day view is blank.

designzoo-chris commented 10 years ago

I am having a very similar issue to this, destroying going from TouchCalendarEvents to SimpleEvents works fine, but visa versa the calendar fails to show the events. Has there been any update, fix or resolution to this?