SwarmOnline / Ext.ux.TouchCalendar

Sencha Touch Calendar component
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Moved the files back to their original places #42

Closed codeofdiego closed 8 years ago

codeofdiego commented 8 years ago

Sorry, yesterday i created a pull request for the base fork by accident and it was merged.

The only problem was that some files were out of place. This pull-request puts the files back in their right place.

It still keeps the ability to position the events in the week view according to the time they happen.

To test just open examples/Ext.ux.TouchCalendarEvents.html and go to the Week View. The event position will match its time.


ksincennes commented 8 years ago

Also there is a potential issue with the events matching the time in week view if there are events that start at the same time. Any events that start at the same time (or close too) will overlap and only the last one will show. we have an open issue in one of our projects to come up with a nice fix for it.