Swarthmore / litterfall

Application and Scripts used for the Litterfall Project
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Tablesorter won't work with litterfall #65

Open jadams1 opened 10 years ago

jadams1 commented 10 years ago

The lovely jQuery plug-in tablesorter that Mallory found won't work with the litterfall reports page, because of the way the table is set up with the traps as sort of sub-rows of observations. We could probably tweak some stuff to make tablesorter deal with blocks of six rows, for instance. Unfortunately the tablesorter.js file is really long (sadpanda)

jadams1 commented 10 years ago

Another idea -- make it so the table always secondary-sorts by some hidden column that would keep traps together based on their 'parent' observation. Or we could change the way the table is set up, but all that repeat data looks very cluttered. Third option: make the data in the trap rows hidden. This is sneakyish but could possibly work...

jadams1 commented 10 years ago

Sorting doesn't actually work in the original version, either. Overall it seems that since the data can be so finely filtered, this is not a priority. I'm going to list it as an enhancement.