Swedbank-SPP / swedbank-payment-portal

Swedbank Payment Portal API library for PHP
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provide set currency method for HPS #13

Closed code-quantum closed 7 years ago

code-quantum commented 7 years ago

How to set currency for HPS paymant method?

$txnDetails = new TxnDetails( $riskAction, $merchantReferenceId, new Amount($purchaseAmount), new ThreeDSecure( 'Order nr: ' . $merchantReferenceId, $this->callback_domain, new \DateTime() ) );

If i looking at SwedbankPaymentPortal\SharedEntity\Amount class, I see that private $currency = 'EUR' is hardcoded and methods for modify currency is not provided.

Swedbank-SPP commented 7 years ago

Hello, unfortunately Swedbank Payment Portal doesn't support any other currencies, but only Euro at the moment. That's why a library do not allow to change currency code in Amount object.

Swedbank-SPP commented 7 years ago

It's unclear now when SPP will support multi currencies on HPS/HCC, but we'll update a library accordingly.