Sweenus / SimplySwords

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Weapon Effects Affect Tamed/Summoned Friendly Mobs #133

Closed fzzyhmstrs closed 5 months ago

fzzyhmstrs commented 8 months ago

My poor hamsters got nuked last night by Kami using the active on her axe. It would be nice if those effects avoided Tameable mobs, or maybe Tameable mobs whose getOwner is a teammate, much like how the abilities dodge direct teammates now.

Sandriell commented 8 months ago

Similarly, Active Defense just shoots arrows at everything. It specifically says it targets enemies, so it should only attack hostiles.

vincentscode commented 8 months ago

I think this mod should already check to not attack tamed entities. https://github.com/Sweenus/SimplySwords/blob/7fe6bc5f51621ba6599a4dac8fbcf4516237e99b/common/src/main/java/net/sweenus/simplyswords/util/HelperMethods.java#L110-L112 The Lichblade was still hurting nearby tamed entities though, even after manually adding the entity to the team.

Sweenus commented 5 months ago

This should be fixed in the latest version. Please let me know if it still occurs. May the hamsters be at peace