Sweenus / SimplySwords

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Possible for unique weapons to cast spells again? #140

Open Bukimari opened 8 months ago

Bukimari commented 8 months ago
          All unique weapons in Simply Swords no longer cast Spell Engine spells by default. Make sure you update to the latest version.

Unfortunately, adding a keybind system for Simply Swords would take extensive rewrites that I don't currently have the time for. I may revisit in future if there is enough demand.

Originally posted by @Sweenus in https://github.com/Sweenus/SimplySwords/issues/116#issuecomment-1760560747

Hi! In Issue 116, it was brought up that the right click abilities for unique weapons conflicted with the spellcasting abilities of the Wizards/Paladins/etc mods using SpellEngine. I know you wouldn't be able to add in a keybind system for Simply Swords but now that the aforementioned SpellEngine mods have keybind functionality, would it be possible to re-implement the ability to cast spells with unique weapons again? Or maybe have an option in the config file to enable or disable it? I think this would be a good middle ground solution, and the conflicting keys can now be changed through the other mods' keybind settings anyway.

If this isn't possible (or feasible based on time constraints) I completely understand. Just wanted to put it out there! Thanks again and great work on this mod and Simply Skills!