Swen670Grp1 / cytoscape-platform-tests-js

Reveal.js testing webapp for running platform tests on Cytoscape via CyREST calls
MIT License
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Feature/req1.8 #43

Closed skatulich closed 6 years ago

kemaric commented 6 years ago

@kouissar I would think that the TestHarnessSlideNumber would be the limit on the TestSlide class slides. So you it would have the user run through a max number of "TestHarnessSlideNumber" TestSlides that were developed. Developers can make hundreds of slides, but only TestHarnessSlideNumber would get played, including ordered TestSlides.

skatulich commented 6 years ago

Kemari is correct. On load the configuration file is loaded and based on the number of slides in the configuration file, the system would only display that many slides. Also, if the log to file is set to false then no errors would be logged. I figured this is a feature that would be set to true the majority of the time but could be configurable.

skatulich commented 6 years ago

Need another approval.