Swicegood / VisionMonSite

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Daphne not running for Description Live Feed #1

Closed Swicegood closed 2 days ago

Swicegood commented 3 days ago
1.  Live Descriptive Feed: Display a live feed of the image descriptions as they are processed by the language vision model. This could be useful for visitors or devotees who want to stay updated with what’s happening at the ashram without having to watch video feeds directly.
2.  Daily Highlights: Since your model processes images from various points throughout the day, you could program the website to compile “highlight” moments based on certain keywords or activities noted in the descriptions. For instance, if a particular ritual or event is taking place, those images could be featured more prominently on the website.
3.  Searchable Archive: Create a searchable archive of image descriptions, allowing users to look up past events or see what happens at a particular time of day. This could be particularly useful for researchers or those interested in the daily rhythms of ashram life.
4.  Notification System: Implement a notification system that alerts registered users if specific events occur. For instance, if the model detects a description that suggests an unusual event or an emergency, it can trigger an alert to the ashram’s management or to local devotees.