SwiftCommunityPodcast / podcast

About For and By the Swift Community
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General Show Feedback #3

Open garricn opened 5 years ago

garricn commented 5 years ago

Do you have any general show feedback, ideas, or suggestions?

GlobeFlex commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much for this episode. I would love to suggest a topic. I would love to hear a topic on learning Swift from scratch or as in my case switching from VB.Net / C# / Python 3 which I use at work. I feel that starting off right is important and could be a great topic.

The background of Swift was so great to hear from Chris. I would love to be able to help out the Swift community. I have tried from day one of the first Swift 1 playground to really dive into this language. I need to make or get involved in a project to make it all stick with me.

Thank you Chris, Garric, and John

artur-ios-dev commented 5 years ago

Since it's "for the Swift Community" it would be cool to help unpopular developers get some attention, I suggest adding a short section (1-3 minutes? or just 1 mention per episode) in each episode and promote some random (or maybe better some unpopular developer you think deserve some attention) to promote their blog, apps, open source projects etc.

Add an intro and outro jingles like in John's own podcast. Things are getting excited when you hear that. Especially outro since it ended so suddenly.

Roslund commented 5 years ago

I agree with @artrmz, it would be great if there were some shoutouts to open source projects.

lattner commented 5 years ago

I think shoutouts are a great idea. How do you suggest we organize this in prep for the next show?

artur-ios-dev commented 5 years ago

@lattner Open an issue (to not spam with issues for each proposal) where people can suggest who (or what project, blog, app etc) should be promoted and everyone can vote 👍👎 for certain shoutouts (but what to do with those that has been already promoted? mark them with a ❤ reaction or so?).

Another idea is, instead of creating a single issue could create a separate repo dedicated for this and then everyone can open a separate issue with a proposal - would be easier to manage already promoted proposals just by closing them.

Then the host (and maybe each guest?) of the show pick one proposal/shoutout either from the issue or can just a shoutout to anyone chosen by himself/herself.

dndydon commented 5 years ago

Great concept for community podcast with GitHub organization backing it. Thank you for founding it.

I consume a lot of Swift podcasts, meetups, and tutorials, as well as many other “shows.” Your heartfelt stories and intelligent commentary based on respect for beginners is refreshing and encouraging. No surprise there, as the larger Swift community (and all Apple tech) has always had this culture of inclusion. This is a great start.

oalvarez commented 5 years ago

Thank you for this show! Can’t wait to see where this leads! 👏

garricn commented 5 years ago

Since it's "for the Swift Community" it would be cool to help unpopular developers get some attention, I suggest adding a short section (1-3 minutes? or just 1 mention per episode) in each episode and promote some random (or maybe better some unpopular developer you think deserve some attention) to promote their blog, apps, open source projects etc.

Add an intro and outro jingles like in John's own podcast. Things are getting excited when you hear that. Especially outro since it ended so suddenly.

Great ideas! How can we find those developers? Do you have any to suggest?

artur-ios-dev commented 5 years ago

@garricn Check my post from above (https://github.com/SwiftCommunityPodcast/podcast/issues/3#issuecomment-455455131).

Either people should suggest themselves/some devs they like or hosts/guests can choose whoever they want to.

konrad1977 commented 5 years ago

Love the first episode. Havent had time to listen to the new episode yet. The feedback so far:

  1. Chris should get a better microphone.
  2. Whats the best practise structuring large projects in Swift. Apples sample code is rather small.
tommyang commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the show. I would love to see chapters support added so that it is easier to navigate. There are tools such as Forecast to help with this.

8bitmp3 commented 4 years ago

Awesome show. Looking forward to the upcoming episode. Suggestion - invite @dan-zheng to talk about differentiable Swift (cc @saeta @lattner @ematejska)

www.github.com/tensorflow/swift www.github.com/tensorflow/swift-apis www.github.com/tensorflow/swift-models
