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💡 [RFC] Topic: Swift and Machine Learning #65

Open donmowry opened 5 years ago

donmowry commented 5 years ago



Swift gained interoperability with scripting languages in Swift 4.2 with the addition of @dynamicMemberLookup. Python, for one, is widely used in machine learning contexts.

In the continuing goal of Swift world-domination, it would be good to discuss the current state of this in a particular field and what the broader implications might mean currently and in the future.


What other information should I include? Who are the experts that could discuss this topic?

BasThomas commented 5 years ago

This sounds like a really interesting idea! I think @lattner might know some people that can contribute to this episode :)

lattner commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I know a thing or two about this. I'm happy to let @dynamicwebpaige figure out if something related to S4TF makes sense here. It might make more sense to wait a bit though.