SwiftGen / StencilSwiftKit

A framework bringing additional nodes & filters to Stencil dedicated to Swift code generation
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Fix version for Komondor #162

Closed redryerye closed 1 year ago

redryerye commented 1 year ago

Komondor had a release for v.1.1.4 where it added unnecessary dependencies that will only be used in Komondor's development process. It would be great if we could minimize dependencies to avoid SPM conflicts by not updating Komondor to v1.1.4.

Right now, Sourcery as a SPM plugin is facing a conflict because of this.

krzysztofzablocki commented 1 year ago

@djbe this is a big issue for Sourcery

djbe commented 1 year ago

Ugh this is annoying TBH, Komondor should release a new version with those dependencies hidden again 🤦

But then again, should we be hiding dependencies like Komondor ourselves as well? What about testing dependencies like Spectre (from Stencil)? Although Komondor is definitely the biggest issue, because it includes quite a lot of big packages.