Open BlanesP opened 10 months ago
I have this simple custom template:
// swiftlint:disable all // Generated using SwiftGen — {% if files %} {% macro fileBlock file %} {% call documentBlock file.document %} {% endmacro %} {% macro documentBlock document %} {% for key,value in %} {% if key == "tests" %} {% for testKey,testValue in %} {%- set propertyName %}{{testKey|lowerFirstWord}}{% endset -%} case {{propertyName}} = "{{testKey}}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endmacro %} import Foundation // MARK: - ABTest Names enum ABTestNames: String { {% for file in files %} {% call fileBlock file %} {% endfor %} } {% endif %}
It reads from multiple JSON files and creates an enum with the keys of the elements in the "tests" property.
The problem is that some of these keys are the same in different files and I want to remove the duplicated elements.
Is there a way to do that?
I have this simple custom template:
It reads from multiple JSON files and creates an enum with the keys of the elements in the "tests" property. The problem is that some of these keys are the same in different files and I want to remove the duplicated elements.
Is there a way to do that?