SwiftGen / StencilSwiftKit

A framework bringing additional nodes & filters to Stencil dedicated to Swift code generation
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Mutations inside forloop not visible outside #75

Open kaygro opened 6 years ago

kaygro commented 6 years ago

When mutating a variable inside a for-loop, these changes get reverted on loop exit. This is quite unlike most programming languages. Unfortunately this makes you use more boilerplate code inside templates than necessary.

djbe commented 6 years ago

The for loop tag is from the Stencil library itself. Stencil builds up a stack whenever a for loop is executed, or when another template is included. We've added our own tags that use this same stack mechanism, for example the macro tag (https://github.com/SwiftGen/StencilSwiftKit/blob/master/Documentation/tag-macro.md).

If you'd like to propose a change to the for tag, I'd recommend making an issue in the appropriate repository (https://github.com/kylef/Stencil/issues), as we can't override/modify existing Stencil tags. If you'd like to propose new tags/filters, we could discuss this here if appropriate.

kaygro commented 6 years ago

I did check the sources of the stencil library and currently they actually appear to implement override sematics for extensions by same tags. Though I'll do an experiment on this later.

ilyapuchka commented 6 years ago

@kaygro while this is really unlike done in programming languages, this is inline with Jinja 2 behaviour, which I guess was the main inspiration for Stencil. It does though provide namespace feature to solve this issue. http://jinja.pocoo.org/docs/2.10/templates/