SwiftKickMobile / SwiftMessages

A very flexible message bar for UIKit and SwiftUI.
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TableView does not scrolling inside Custom View Xib #432

Closed vikashgomechanic closed 3 years ago

vikashgomechanic commented 3 years ago

I have created ab xib of UIView and Used a UITableView Inside It. But my tableView Is not scrolling any more and if once I tap on it, View gets dismissed. Please help!!

I'm presenting the Custom View Like This

        let sheet = PriceDetailPopupView.instantiateFromNib() as PriceDetailPopupView
        self.showPopUpView(view: sheet, shouldEnableKeyboard: false, type: .center)
    func showPopUpView(view: UIView, shouldEnableKeyboard: Bool, type:SwiftMessages.PresentationStyle = .bottom) {
        var config = SwiftMessages.Config()
        config.presentationStyle = type
        config.duration = .forever
        config.presentationContext = .window(windowLevel: .normal)//.view(self.view)
        config.dimMode = .gray(interactive: true)
        if shouldEnableKeyboard {
            config.keyboardTrackingView = KeyboardTrackingView()
        SwiftMessages.show(config: config, view: view)
Screenshot 2020-10-30 at 4 15 41 PM

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 Pro - 2020-10-30 at 16 13 27

wtmoose commented 3 years ago

Can you attach your nib file?

wtmoose commented 3 years ago

Closing since there hasn't been any followup in weeks.