SwiftKickMobile / SwiftMessages

A very flexible message bar for UIKit and SwiftUI.
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SwiftMessagesSegue Card style ignoring safe area #439

Closed MojtabaHs closed 3 years ago

MojtabaHs commented 3 years ago

I just working with the package and I wonder how can I get rid of the safe area inset when a card style is selected? for example:

configure(layout: .bottomCard)
containerView.cornerRadius = cornerRadius
messageView.layoutMarginAdditions = .init(all: 4)

messageView.bottomLayoutMarginAddition = -10 // Not working

keyboardTrackingView = KeyboardTrackingView()

Also, I've tried containment = .backgroundVertical and it kills the scroll bouncing effect alongside with bottomLayoutMarginAddition

So how can I have some card view near the bottom edge of the screen? something like the WiFi password share sheet of the iOS.

MojtabaHs commented 3 years ago

For better understanding, I'm trying to reproduce this:
