Closed chichkanov closed 2 months ago
Environment: iOS18, iPhone 16 pro max simulator. Latest main branch, commit bb97ec4
import SwiftUI import SwiftUIMaterialTabs enum Tab: String, Hashable, CaseIterable { case first case second } struct ContentView: View { @State var selectedTab: Tab = .first @State var showMoreHeaderContent = false var body: some View { MaterialTabs( selectedTab: $selectedTab, headerTitle: { context in VStack { Text("Material Tabs") .font(.title) if showMoreHeaderContent { 130) } Text("Some long long description bla\nsecond line of text bla bla bal") .font(.callout) .foregroundStyle(.secondary) } .animation(.bouncy, value: context.height) .frame(maxWidth: .infinity) .geometryGroup() .padding() .headerStyle(OffsetHeaderStyle(fade: true), context: context) }, headerTabBar: { context in MaterialTabBar(selectedTab: $selectedTab, sizing: .equalWidth, context: context) }, headerBackground: { context in Color.white }, content: { firstTabContent() secondTabContent() } ) .animation(.default, value: showMoreHeaderContent) } @ViewBuilder private func firstTabContent() -> some View { MaterialTabsScroll(tab: Tab.first) { _ in LazyVStack { Button("Show more content in header") { showMoreHeaderContent.toggle() } .padding() ForEach(0..<100) { index in Text("Row \(index)") .padding() } } .background(Color.yellow.opacity(0.2)) } .materialTabItem(tab: Tab.first, label: .secondary("First")) } @ViewBuilder private func secondTabContent() -> some View { MaterialTabsScroll(tab: Tab.second) { _ in LazyVStack { ForEach(0..<100) { index in Text("Row \(index)") .padding() } } } .materialTabItem(tab: Tab.second, label: .secondary("Second")) } }
This is essentially a duplicate of #14
Sounds good. I'll close it in favor of that one
Environment: iOS18, iPhone 16 pro max simulator. Latest main branch, commit bb97ec4