SwiftKickMobile / TLIndexPathTools

TLIndexPathTools is a small set of classes that can greatly simplify your table and collection views.
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TLTreeTableViewController: Keep only one expanded parent (close others) #66

Open csotiriou opened 8 years ago

csotiriou commented 8 years ago

In the case of tree table, is there any way to close other parts of the table when opening the current one?

In short is there any way of manually closing other open sections?

wtmoose commented 8 years ago

When a node N is expanded, you want all nodes that aren't an ancestor N to be collapsed?

I can add an option for that. TLCollapsibleTableViewController already has such an option.

I'd you'd like an unsolicited opinion...in my experience, collapsing and expanding at the same time can result in unexpected excess motion and feel disorienting.

csotiriou commented 8 years ago

I agree to that myself, it will indeed be disorienting.

However, there are cases where this feature (or lack thereof) is indeed useful.

I will check TLCollapsibleTableViewController's functionality, however, having an option like that in the TLTreeTableViewController will save me a lot of trouble.

Thank you for your response.