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[135] Issue #135 - May 30, 2019 #458

Closed BasThomas closed 5 years ago

BasThomas commented 5 years ago

To contribute to this issue, simply leave a comment here. Please also review our contributing guidelines.

The current draft for this issue in _drafts/. If you want to contribute directly, feel free to open a pull request.

BasThomas commented 5 years ago


Some really solid work improving the accuracy and runtime of the Swift micro benchmarks here by @palimondo https://forums.swift.org/t/towards-robust-performance-measurement/11490/26

BasThomas commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0253-callable.md https://forums.swift.org/t/accepted-with-modification-se-0253-callable-values-of-user-defined-nominal-types/24605 accepted

fassko commented 5 years ago

Obj-C with Swift PM, it seems that in theory it should work.


BasThomas commented 5 years ago


New open source project – Swift on Balena 🦄

A set of Docker images for Swift on Raspberry Pi and other ARM devices.

Using Swift on Raspberry Pi is super fun and easier than you might think!


fassko commented 5 years ago

MongoDB Client using SwiftNIO


fassko commented 5 years ago

SwiftNIO based DNS Client


fassko commented 5 years ago

SWAN (a.k.a Swift-WALA) A static program analysis framework for analyzing Swift applications using WALA as the analysis core.

https://forums.swift.org/t/re-adding-frontendobserver-methods-for-the-sake-of-external-static-analysis-tools/24672 https://github.com/themaplelab/swan

BasThomas commented 5 years ago


Swift’s optimizer can now constant fold key path accesses down into direct field accesses! https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/24929

fassko commented 5 years ago

Great thread about different build systems.


P.S. Can't find atm but there was a great podcast episode about different build systems for Swift. Differences between bazel and buck.

BasThomas commented 5 years ago

(Discussion in) https://forums.swift.org/t/accepted-with-modification-se-0253-callable-values-of-user-defined-nominal-types/24605

fassko commented 5 years ago

@weissi explaining about Namespacing of packages/modules, especially regarding SwiftNIO


fassko commented 5 years ago

Pitch about Cryptography, and someone wrote about @krzyzanowskim library https://github.com/krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift


BasThomas commented 5 years ago

I missed pointing this out last issue from https://forums.swift.org/t/returned-for-revision-se-0258-property-delegates/24080:

I'd like to thank the community for its patience and its commitment. I know we've had a lot of proposals recently, and some of them have been contentious, and it can be a lot of work to keep up with Swift Evolution. You really are appreciated; thank you for everything you do to help make Swift a better language.

I think that warrant posting :)

BasThomas commented 5 years ago


Thanks to @compnerd, CMake now supports Swift source files! https://forums.swift.org/t/announcing-swift-support-in-cmake/24792

BasThomas commented 5 years ago


ABI stability does not mean the Swift runtime is frozen in time on old OSes -- here @jckarter is using the runtime hook mechanism to backward deploy a bug fix: https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/25030/

fassko commented 5 years ago

Re-pitch of removeAll(at:)


fassko commented 5 years ago

New Vapor “cloud”


Sent with GitHawk

BasThomas commented 5 years ago

https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0260-library-evolution.md https://forums.swift.org/t/accepted-se-0260-library-evolution-for-stable-abis/24845 accepted

fassko commented 5 years ago

More great stuff about Swift on Windows.

Comming Soon to a Terminal Near You: Swift REPL on Windows


fassko commented 5 years ago

The Power of Swift for Machine Learning (TensorFlow Meets)


fassko commented 5 years ago

SSWG ‘minimum requirements’ to require no existing clashes by @weissi


BasThomas commented 5 years ago

Finally: https://twitter.com/harlanhaskins/status/1133210047952015360

wait a minute. this is just objective-c https://twitter.com/harlanhaskins/status/1133210047952015360/photo/1

BasThomas commented 5 years ago


Finally got around to revising my #SwiftLang property delegates^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hwrapper proposal. Take a look! https://forums.swift.org/t/pitch-3-property-wrappers-formerly-known-as-property-delegates/24961

fassko commented 5 years ago

Vapor 4 Alpha 1 released
