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[153] Issue #153 - February 13, 2020 #496

Closed fassko closed 4 years ago

fassko commented 4 years ago

To contribute to this issue, simply leave a comment here. Please also review our contributing guidelines.

The current draft for this issue in _drafts/. If you want to contribute directly, feel free to open a pull request.

fassko commented 4 years ago

[Accepted] SE-0270: Add Collection Operations on Noncontiguous Elements

The review of SE-0270 spanned three separate review periods, from November 11th, 2019, to January 28th, 2020. The latest round of review is here.

Community feedback was highly positive on adding this feature in some form, but many details of the design were heavily debated. Reflecting on that feedback, the authors revised the proposal several times, trimming some controversial features and renaming others. Feedback on the third review suggests that, while many community members are now satisfied with the proposal, others remain concerned with some aspects of the current design. In the opinion of the Core Team, the remaining controversies do not justify returning the proposal for further review or revision; a decision just needs to be made.


Discussion: https://forums.swift.org/t/evolution-process-discussion/33272

BasThomas commented 4 years ago

Do you plan on writing this issue, Kristaps?

fassko commented 4 years ago

@BasThomas yep as we agreed

BasThomas commented 4 years ago

Ah, I understood I do two, you do one. Just did one. But go for it :)

BasThomas commented 4 years ago


Dodged an ABI bullet here. Underscored keyword was broken... but thankfully the broken case wasn’t exercised in the standard library https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/29579

fassko commented 4 years ago

superMac & Massively Pararell Swift

I am new to this august body. I have a great deal of respect for the work that has been achieved thus far in SSWG community. I have experience in mathematics, computation and cell biochemistry. I have a scientific computing problem that I would like to achieve using the Apple ecosystem


fassko commented 4 years ago

Automatic test discovery in Swift on Linux and other non-Apple platforms: https://oleb.net/2020/swift-test-discovery/


goranbrl commented 4 years ago

A blog post introducing a new iOS library which can help your QA team with reporting bugs.


fassko commented 4 years ago

Jargon & acronyms vs. accessible language


fassko commented 4 years ago

Thanks @goranbrl for your contribution. This newsletter covers only Swift language aspects. There are many newsletters that focus on iOS.

fassko commented 4 years ago


fassko commented 4 years ago


fassko commented 4 years ago


fassko commented 4 years ago

Swift Configuration Library - swiftbox-config

Swiftbox-config is type-safe configuration library for Swift projects. SwiftBox Configuration allows to pass type-safe configuration such as command line, environment variables and external providers (e.g Vault) by declaring one simple struct. Configuration can be inherited from multiple sources simultaneously.


fassko commented 4 years ago





Discussion about it: https://forums.swift.org/t/native-implementations-and-boringssl-backed-apple-platform-deployments/33404

irshadpc commented 4 years ago

Swift clip: Dispatch queues


fassko commented 4 years ago

Maybe fun thread


fassko commented 4 years ago

https://twitter.com/dgregor79/status/1224537246998487040 🙃

irshadpc commented 4 years ago


irshadpc commented 4 years ago


fassko commented 4 years ago

Hei @irshadpc for your contributions :)

I think SwiftUI and DispatchQueue we will leave out from this newsletter as this is soley about Swift language and open source aspects. Both of those technologies are available only for macOS and iOS type platforms, not in Linux.

fassko commented 4 years ago

https://twitter.com/slava_pestov/status/1224871562979020801 + https://twitter.com/slava_pestov/status/1224872888739778560

fassko commented 4 years ago


We're excited to announce the release of some new open source: CasePaths, a Swift library that brings the power and ergonomics of key paths to enums! https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-case-paths

fassko commented 4 years ago

Announcing Swift 5.1.4 for Linux

We are happy to announce the release of Swift 5.1.4 for Linux as originally planned.

On behalf of the Swift community, I’d like to thank the folks who made this release possible.

New downloads are available on swift.org. Official Docker images are also available. The release notes are below.


fassko commented 4 years ago

Extensions should inherit availability of thing they are extending

I'm probably being dumb here, but it seems to me that the extension clause could (and should) safely have an implicit @available(iOS 13.0, *) added to it - in the absence of an explicit one - given that the thing that it is extending has one.


fassko commented 4 years ago

Swift nightly builds are now available on http://swift.godbolt.org !


BasThomas commented 4 years ago


Once upon a time @NachoSoto filed a bunch of Swift diagnostics bugs and went on to become a pilot. All but 5 in this list are now fixed thanks to @hollyborla and Pavel: https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-5198

BasThomas commented 4 years ago


Really cool WIP from a teammate Tim here: https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/29658

Swift’s runtime casting infrastructure has been… “scary and organic” I guess? For quite a while. This rewrites it to be properly structured, and cleans up a ton of edge case behavior in the process.

BasThomas commented 4 years ago


@gottesmang We also put a lot of work into reducing code size and memory usage. Swift 5.2 binaries ought to be noticeably smaller, and use less memory when running on macOS 10.15.4, iOS 13.4, and friends

fassko commented 4 years ago

Support for semantic highlighting is moving on Microsoft part


fassko commented 4 years ago

I think it has been before, but worth to mention again (if this issue won't be long).

http://whatsnewinswift.com now hosts 91 Xcode playgrounds, covering changes from any Swift version to any other version – just select your source and target versions, then click Download 👍

For example, this one lists all changes from 1.0 through 5.2 🤯 https://www.whatsnewinswift.com/files/playground-1-0-to-5-2.playground.zip


irshadpc commented 4 years ago


BasThomas commented 4 years ago

277 in review

fassko commented 4 years ago

277 in review


fassko commented 4 years ago

Special Case Protocol Conformance: Long-term Tradeoffs for Near-term Conformance


fassko commented 4 years ago



fassko commented 4 years ago


A source code analyzer for Swift projects.

BasThomas commented 4 years ago


My next refactor is getting very, very close to being mergeable. This should make it easy to extend #SwiftLang function builders to support local “let”s: https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/29728

fassko commented 4 years ago


fassko commented 4 years ago

Pitch: Multiple Trailing Closures


fassko commented 4 years ago

Swift Playgrounds available for Mac


jessesquires commented 4 years ago


Over 100,000 commits

fassko commented 4 years ago

Swift on Server WorkGroup meetin January 23rd, 2020 notes


fassko commented 4 years ago


BasThomas commented 4 years ago


🎉 AsyncHTTPClient 1.1.0 released 🚀. Now with UNIX Domain Socket Support thanks to @krzyzanowskim and much more https://github.com/swift-server/async-http-client/releases/tag/1.1.0

fassko commented 4 years ago


fassko commented 4 years ago
