SwiftkickWeb / FOODweek

Code for the meal planning app, Food Week
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Build out the dashboard redesign #109

Open johnhutch opened 7 years ago

johnhutch commented 7 years ago

branch name: issue_109-dashboard_design_build




Should responsively scale down. @jon-athan-hall originally planed for no images in the recipe list, but we could easily use smaller thumbnails.


Meal Plan


Grocery List

jon-athan-hall commented 7 years ago

Ready for code review.

branch name: issue_109-dashboard_design_build

johnhutch commented 7 years ago

I think we lost a bit of new-user-help in the transition. There are a few items here that need to be taken care of, some within the context of this issue, and perhaps a few new issues. I know you're tired of this bug, so if you want me to wrap it up, I'd be happy to jump in and pick it up from here.

I'll start by listing the issues here, and then follow it what I perceive to be the solutions and how they should be handled, but I leave it to your discretion as to how best to handle tasking/issue creation.

Issues Per Scenario

A. A brand new user, no meal plan, recipes, or grocery list items

  1. The meal plan section states: "Ok, so, you've got some recipes. Now it's time to decide..." but the user has no recipes
  2. The create meal plan button is the primary call to action on the page, but it's currently not possible without recipes.
  3. The recipes section should be the primary user directive here -- without recipes, the only thing you can do on our site is add grocery items -- but the add new recipe link is an unimportant-looking in-line text link. Instead, it should be the primary call to action.
  4. The grocery list has no context. You can add items, but the user has no sense of what it's for, how it will be used, etc.

B. User adds a single recipe

  1. The meal plan gets created, but is empty. The dashboard should detect for empty mealplans, not nil ones, because on page load, you lose any explanatory text and you just get two very big green buttons and a clear all link.
  2. Recipes section has a "see all recipes" link, despite having only one recipe, which is shown.
  3. See previous comments about grocery list

C. User adds recipe(s) to the meal plan

  1. I'm not sure what the "view this meal plan" link accomplishes. I'm already viewing it. I'm not saying we should get rid of meal plan show pages, in case we end up designing for multiple meal plans, but I don't see a reason for it to be linked here.
  2. Recipe blocks aren't height constrained/normalized, so if, say, the middle item in the row has a recipe title that's two lines long, and the rest are one line, it kicks the controls div all the way to the right, fucking up the float.
  3. Grocery list needs a "clear" or "checkout" function for after a user goes shopping. This is probably another ticket.

Suggested handling of these issues

Required fixes before closing this ticket

The remaining bug-esq issues should be handled here before this bug is closed. Namely:

New Tickets

  1. A new ticket should be created for a new-user-guidance dashboard. It'd be an alternate version of the dashboard that loads for users without any data. At first it'd load with just recipes and grocery list, with several clickable "tool tips." We could even have a progress bar for having clicked all the tool tips, with an achievement or something. Freshbooks does something like this. Anyway, after X recipes are added, then we add the mealplan block back in with more explanation/tooltips/screenshare videos/whatever.
  2. A number of issues should be dropped into a new "copywriting" issue. Probably a good place to bring in Trish for final review of that ticket, too. Or maybe it makes more sense to have her give feedback during the soft launch... hrm.