Swiip / generator-gulp-angular

Yeoman generator for AngularJS with GulpJS [UNMAINTAINED next iteration is FountainJS]
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Jade-Files not processed #781

Open mzellho opened 9 years ago

mzellho commented 9 years ago

The generator does not process .jade files that are placed directly in /src.

I generated a webapp (mostly default settings, but using coffee and jade), renamed and converted .html files to .jade using www.html2jade.org as suggested in #749. This works fine for all files in /src/app and its subfolders, but not for files in /src, like index.html.

I don't know if it really makes sense or if it even is really possible to have a index.jade, but I thought that it might be a nice idea if Jade was supported throughout the whole directory structure? I would also suspect that the same behaviour exists for the other preprocessors.

Last but not least: You did a truly awesome job writing this generator!

Swiip commented 9 years ago

It would be nice yes, but preprocessing index.html is more complicated. Because ate the optimization time, a lot of other transformations appends on that file. It should be possible but to be honest we never found enough motivation to address this.

rubenCodeforges commented 8 years ago

@MZellhofer check the gulp/watch.js at line 39 gulp.watch(path.join(conf.paths.src, '/app/**/*.jade'), ['markups']); as you can see the '/app/**/*.jade' means that it will look inside the app folder and its subfolders , you could try change this

rubenCodeforges commented 8 years ago

the issue is but true , jade file are not getting processed. I have tested in different ways , create in different dirs app/**/*.jade || app/*.jade the files are beeing located only the output is wrong like this http://i.imgur.com/sEeln9y.png in app/test.jade i did simple h1 Jade - node template engine

larodiel commented 8 years ago

Every .jade file that was converted to .html are in 'tmp' folder (.tpm/serve/app/*/.html). Maybe one way to fix it, is moving files from tmp folder to the right folder.