Swing-team / pendulums-web-client

Pendulums web client
GNU General Public License v3.0
208 stars 11 forks source link

[Improvements] Date, project and misc. #7

Open dosch opened 5 years ago

dosch commented 5 years ago


I have been using your app for a 1 hour, 13 minutes and 34 seconds now. I know, because of your app ;-)

I really like it and it is great that you managed to keep it simple, colorful and friendly. Here are some small improvement ideas:

Date picker for a past event When adding an event in the past, I think one date picker is enough; rarely tasks span multiple days. (or you want to accommodate people working at night...). But you date picker in your stats view is much nicer; it allows to pick a start and end day in one view. Maybe you can also use that in the "add new activity" window

Move task from one project to another When I accidentally add a task to the wrong project, it would be nice to be able to move it to another project with a simple click, or drag and drop.

CalDav Maybe it would be nice to expose all the activities through carddav. This way I can use my calendar app on my Mac, Android, iOS device (or where ever) to view, add and remove activities to Pendulums.

Total hours How about adding a view where I can see the total amount of hours I worked on all projects? Maybe with a nice visual breakdown, like a pie chart, how the time is divided between projects.

Money Please accept donations with Paypal, https://ko-fi.com/ or https://en.liberapay.com/

Design Dashboard After I have made several project, the "+ Add Project" button is not so important anymore and can be removed or made a lot smaller... It now claims premium desk estate.

(I might add more ideas as I continue using your app. Thank you for the work so far!)

mohammadrafigh commented 5 years ago

cool! thanks for your suggestions. some of these ideas are already planned to be implemented in next releases - things like other stats and charts and integration with other tools like github (and we will consider caldav too). I like the other ideas you shared with us.

just as a side note:

any further questions and ideas are welcome.