Swinject / SwinjectAutoregistration

Swinject extension to automatically register your services
MIT License
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Add info about carthage usage with xcframeworks and swift pm #74

Closed tkohout closed 2 years ago

tkohout commented 2 years ago

Without using --use-xcframeworks the carthage update will fail with:

shell task (...) failed with exit code 1:
fatal error: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lipo: ... have the same architectures (arm64) and can't be in the same fat output file

Building universal frameworks with common architectures is not possible. The device and simulator slices for "Swinject" both build for: arm64
Rebuild with --use-xcframeworks to create an xcframework bundle instead.

So I updated the readme, I've also added info about swift pm

1ucas commented 2 years ago

Hello Tomas! Thanks for your PR explaining the issue. I see the CI is breaking at the Linux SPM validation.

I believe we forgot to generate the new Spec (test bundle) for XCTest when we removed Quick/Nimble from the Project. I'm sorry for that. Do you want to add it by yourself, or should I make a commit for you?

You just need to run the following command: swift test --generate-linuxmain

If you could update the Swinject version to 2.7.1 at Package.swift would be great! It's currently pointing to 2.6.0.