Swirrl / ook

Structural search engine
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Create ook ontology #116

Open Robsteranium opened 2 years ago

Robsteranium commented 2 years ago

We need a couple of properties for ook:

ook:graph a rdf:Property;
  rdfs:label "in graph";
  rdfs:comment "The graph containing the resource. Used to describe the origin of documents in ElasticSearch.";

ook:component a rdf:Property;
  rdfs:domain pmdcat:Dataset;
  rdfs:range qb:ComponentProperty;
  rdfs:label "has Component Property";
  rdfs:comment "Equivalent to the property path e.g. `qb:structure/qb:component/qb:dimension`. Serves to lift component properties from within the DSD to the dataset itself.";

These will need changing from placeholders in: https://github.com/Swirrl/ook/pull/115/ (resources/etl/observation-construct.sparql and resources/etl/observation-frame.json) https://github.com/Swirrl/ook/blob/main/resources/etl/dataset-construct.sparql#L17 https://github.com/Swirrl/ook/blob/main/resources/etl/dataset-frame.json#L22

We don't need to load the vocab for anything yet but we should confirm it parses and add it to the resources directory for future reference. We might use this to reconstruct RDF isomorphic to the source back out of OOK/ES.