Swirrl / ook

Structural search engine
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Refresh cassettes/ tests #119

Closed Robsteranium closed 1 year ago

Robsteranium commented 2 years ago

The upstream "Alcohol bulletin" datasets used for testing have been changed so we need to revise the tests accordingly.

We're deliberately using upstream data to ensure that Ook is compatible. We use cassettes to record responses from Drafter so that we don't need to do continuous integration testing. These cassettes are now out of date with the new alcohol dataset on the IDP beta site. The new cube ought to be better (orthogonal dimensions/ consolidating cubes). We might decide to use the replacement cube or find that we now need to use different datasets to suit our tests.

Until we update the tests and cassettes we can't modify any application code or tests in a way that leads to different expectations on the cassettes - i.e. different SPARQL queries. This includes things like adjusting the request page sizes.

Robsteranium commented 1 year ago

Resolved by #125.

Some of the tests for facets were relying on old data. We've decided not to update them to use new data as it's non-trivial and we're not using the facets UI at the moment.