Swirrl / pmd-rdf-validations

PMD Validations for cubes etc...
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Validate that all dimensions have codelists #21

Closed Robsteranium closed 3 years ago

Robsteranium commented 3 years ago

The cube view isn't filterable unless all dimensions have codelists.

We currently validate that if the dimension has a codelist, then that codelist should include concepts.

We ought to additionally require that codelists exist for all dimensions in the first place. We can do this as follows:

PREFIX qb: <http://purl.org/linked-data/cube#>

SELECT ?ds ?dim {
  ?ds qb:structure/qb:component/qb:dimension ?dim .

  FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?dim qb:codeList ?codeList }
  FILTER (?dim != qb:measureType)

We should ignore qb:measureType here until we've decided how to filter by measure.

Given that violations of this condition led to loss of functionality and not errors, we might like to classify them as warnings.

Robsteranium commented 3 years ago

This is resolved by the validation AllAttributesAndDimensionsMustHaveCodeList (9f6e36aeeacd8751521a125b794e8246b5ce9dde and 437ba21942ad9738c730ba8c531a5433f25c644e).

I've put the suggestion to have this be a warning on #20.