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mls from autosklearn #5

Open chrisbarber opened 4 years ago

chrisbarber commented 4 years ago

took this example from autosklearn and passed it to to_mls and it produces something



so i guess they support the get_params convention.

this is before calling fit on the model which segfaults on my mac for this case

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago

ah... yeah cool good that they 'fully' follow sklearn api, although i was hoping for that :) yeah actually after fit would be interesting.... i reckon we'll have to do some sort of special case for it as in GridCV to get all the details of various models that were fit etc

chrisbarber commented 4 years ago

don't know what's going on here.. tried this package on two OS's now, different versions of it, examples from the website and from the repo, different versions of swig, looking through bug reports... i am getting segfaults, runtime errors, scripts that just don't end after leaving them.. somebody has a docker image i guess but it's not official. what is the deal with this package? i mean.. i can dig in more but i'm just wondering how many people have a working set up of this and on what systems. i've tried on macos 10.15.4 and linux 5.6.0-1 (debian)

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago should work

chrisbarber commented 4 years ago

Okay, I fixed my issue.

Unfortunately auto-sklearn get_params returns the exact same thing, before and after fit and predict, at least for this example (regression). So the to_mls succeeds afterwards of course but I won't paste the output because it is identical to the above.

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago

yea but the question is what's the reference for the actual trained models.... after fit

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago

so like basically: self._automl will have the reference for the trained machines.... and those should be iterated over and get_params()-ed and check the evaluation metrics result etc. and that should be exported into the jsonld

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago

any update on this?

chrisbarber commented 4 years ago

sorry been a bit irregular w/ splitting time w/ another project. i'll catch up at some point

chrisbarber commented 4 years ago

fyi i get:

>>> automl._automl[0].get_params()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/Users/barberc/software/anaconda/envs/auto-sklearn/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/", line 189, in get_params
    for key in self._get_param_names():
  File "/Users/barberc/software/anaconda/envs/auto-sklearn/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sklearn/", line 164, in _get_param_names
    raise RuntimeError("scikit-learn estimators should always "
RuntimeError: scikit-learn estimators should always specify their parameters in the signature of their __init__ (no varargs). <class 'autosklearn.automl.AutoMLRegressor'> with constructor (self, *args, **kwargs) doesn't  follow this convention.

furthermore ._automl is a private attribute...

It seems like this functionality should live in auto-sklearn, and this weird pickiness of sklearn about subclass __init__ arguments should also be addressed there.

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago

furthermore ._automl is a private attribute...

in python that's all just convention.... right? nothing there to enforce of it's 'private-ness', see

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago

and fyi:


and so forth and so on.... basically that contains how the pipeline looks like, each parts' parametrization is available as a value for config key, see:

{'config': Configuration:
   balancing:strategy, Value: 'none'
   classifier:__choice__, Value: 'random_forest'
   classifier:random_forest:bootstrap, Value: 'True'
   classifier:random_forest:criterion, Value: 'gini'
   classifier:random_forest:max_depth, Constant: 'None'
   classifier:random_forest:max_features, Value: 0.48772464140872207
   classifier:random_forest:max_leaf_nodes, Constant: 'None'
   classifier:random_forest:min_impurity_decrease, Constant: 0.0
   classifier:random_forest:min_samples_leaf, Value: 1
   classifier:random_forest:min_samples_split, Value: 16
   classifier:random_forest:min_weight_fraction_leaf, Constant: 0.0
   data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:categorical_encoding:__choice__, Value: 'no_encoding'
   data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:__choice__, Value: 'minority_coalescer'
   data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:minority_coalescer:minimum_fraction, Value: 0.010000000000000004
   data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:imputation:strategy, Value: 'most_frequent'
   data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:rescaling:__choice__, Value: 'normalize'
   feature_preprocessor:__choice__, Value: 'polynomial'
   feature_preprocessor:polynomial:degree, Value: 2
   feature_preprocessor:polynomial:include_bias, Value: 'False'
   feature_preprocessor:polynomial:interaction_only, Value: 'False',
 'dataset_properties': {'task': 1,
  'sparse': False,
  'multilabel': False,
  'multiclass': False,
  'target_type': 'classification',
  'signed': False},
 'exclude': {},
 'include': {},
 'init_params': {'instance': '{"task_id": "breast_cancer"}'},
 'random_state': <mtrand.RandomState at 0x7fea9bebc240>,
 'steps': [('data_preprocessing',
   DataPreprocessor(categorical_features=None, config=None,
                    dataset_properties=None, exclude=None,
                    force_sparse_output=None, include=None, init_params=None,
                    pipeline=None, random_state=None)),
  ('balancing', Balancing(random_state=None, strategy='none')),
   <autosklearn.pipeline.components.feature_preprocessing.FeaturePreprocessorChoice at 0x7feaa097c198>),
   <autosklearn.pipeline.components.classification.ClassifierChoice at 0x7feaa097cc88>]],
 'data_preprocessing': DataPreprocessor(categorical_features=None, config=None,
                  dataset_properties=None, exclude=None,
                  force_sparse_output=None, include=None, init_params=None,
                  pipeline=None, random_state=None),
 'balancing': Balancing(random_state=None, strategy='none'),
 'feature_preprocessor': <autosklearn.pipeline.components.feature_preprocessing.FeaturePreprocessorChoice at 0x7feaa097c198>,
 'classifier': <autosklearn.pipeline.components.classification.ClassifierChoice at 0x7feaa097cc88>,
 'data_preprocessing__categorical_features': None,
 'data_preprocessing__config': None,
 'data_preprocessing__dataset_properties': None,
 'data_preprocessing__exclude': None,
 'data_preprocessing__force_sparse_output': None,
 'data_preprocessing__include': None,
 'data_preprocessing__init_params': None,
 'data_preprocessing__pipeline': None,
 'data_preprocessing__random_state': None,
 'balancing__random_state': None,
 'balancing__strategy': 'none'}

but of course you can extract the model's param directly as well:

{'bootstrap': True,
 'class_weight': None,
 'criterion': 'gini',
 'max_depth': None,
 'max_features': 0.48772464140872207,
 'max_leaf_nodes': None,
 'min_impurity_decrease': 0.0,
 'min_samples_leaf': 1,
 'min_samples_split': 16,
 'min_weight_fraction_leaf': 0.0,
 'n_jobs': 1,
 'random_state': <mtrand.RandomState at 0x7feaa06c27e0>}
chrisbarber commented 4 years ago

Here is some json. Basically the same as the generic sklearn one but with this additional snippet: And some handling for various objects that it has in the output of get_params.

    "identifier": "2497ad25-83f6-410c-ad90-0f8b8d002f74",
    "executes": {
        "_id": "_:autosklearn.automl.AutoML",
        "identifier": "041d0a07-9972-4daa-b2f3-b88d60684399",
        "name": null,
        "parameters": [
                "_id": "_:@value",
                "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        "implements": {
            "_id": "_:autosklearn.automl.AutoML",
            "@type": "mls:Algorithm"
        "version": null,
        "@type": "mls:Implementation"
    "input_values": [
            "value": {
                "type": "autosklearn.automl.AutoML",
                "params": {
                    "backend": null,
                    "debug_mode": null,
                    "disable_evaluator_output": null,
                    "ensemble_memory_limit": null,
                    "ensemble_nbest": null,
                    "ensemble_size": null,
                    "exclude_estimators": null,
                    "exclude_preprocessors": null,
                    "get_smac_object_callback": null,
                    "include_estimators": null,
                    "include_preprocessors": null,
                    "initial_configurations_via_metalearning": null,
                    "keep_models": null,
                    "logging_config": null,
                    "max_models_on_disc": null,
                    "metadata_directory": null,
                    "ml_memory_limit": null,
                    "per_run_time_limit": null,
                    "precision": 32,
                    "resampling_strategy": null,
                    "resampling_strategy_arguments": null,
                    "seed": null,
                    "shared_mode": null,
                    "smac_scenario_args": null,
                    "time_left_for_this_task": null
            "specified_by": {
                "@id": "_:@value"
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    "output_values": [
            "_id": null,
            "value": [
                    "@value": {
                        "type": "autosklearn.pipeline.classification.SimpleClassificationPipeline",
                        "params": {
                            "config": {
                                "balancing:strategy": "none",
                                "classifier:__choice__": "random_forest",
                                "data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:categorical_encoding:__choice__": "one_hot_encoding",
                                "data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:__choice__": "minority_coalescer",
                                "data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:imputation:strategy": "mean",
                                "data_preprocessing:numerical_transformer:rescaling:__choice__": "standardize",
                                "feature_preprocessor:__choice__": "no_preprocessing",
                                "classifier:random_forest:bootstrap": "True",
                                "classifier:random_forest:criterion": "gini",
                                "classifier:random_forest:max_depth": "None",
                                "classifier:random_forest:max_features": 0.5,
                                "classifier:random_forest:max_leaf_nodes": "None",
                                "classifier:random_forest:min_impurity_decrease": 0.0,
                                "classifier:random_forest:min_samples_leaf": 1,
                                "classifier:random_forest:min_samples_split": 2,
                                "classifier:random_forest:min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0,
                                "data_preprocessing:categorical_transformer:category_coalescence:minority_coalescer:minimum_fraction": 0.01
                            "dataset_properties": {
                                "task": 2,
                                "sparse": false,
                                "multilabel": false,
                                "multiclass": true,
                                "target_type": "classification",
                                "signed": false
                            "exclude": {},
                            "include": {},
                            "init_params": {
                                "instance": "{\"task_id\": \"e5941b9de02ebe2c0457a6ec6eb35c17\"}"
                            "random_state": [
                                [1, 1812433254, 3713160357, 3109174145, 64984499, 3392658084, 446538473, 2629760756, 2453345558, 1394803949, 1021787430, 2063496713, 1304877364, 1713639158, 889001601, 1651239412, 1450863289, 745575081, 361057727, 2288771950, 1463387568, 2249488362, 26637982, 204036717, 1655702041, 1329048465, 2092351466, 1681619666, 3220660315, 1301783610, 626286181, 294669048, 3537128440, 3259518248, 2550101273, 1160881866, 308703547, 295714668, 35508674, 1599247281, 376272024, 3166459937, 1852735737, 3680868867, 612352556, 2760189833, 3816750341, 699140493, 1087846865, 394927937, 2063539671, 645417889, 2337669049, 3773167612, 678121169, 3006984620, 1163491294, 2559287860, 543155592, 3194181347, 2463543297, 3875146860, 475483913, 3707568076, 3881808875, 1264657097, 208126250, 1802809301, 367907560, 2433375693, 2851326449, 2380707878, 2911758972, 4243386879, 2229228726, 828161871, 2871116151, 990638198, 178193628, 1012573979, 1223581943, 3333023583, 1901888414, 3913876750, 3168662389, 656194888, 1553610174, 466840498, 686407570, 280737523, 2476489017, 1272981410, 3189431979, 3294710282, 1564477163, 4133221553, 823708826, 880616227, 1730254897, 335723347, 2123911971, 344194767, 119099153, 2915257116, 3339825470, 2524942970, 1191117250, 3403812186, 3988972937, 2575395295, 4072737183, 663832315, 808080503, 724042340, 2966189542, 2499643239, 3309205581, 1915303227, 72616536, 387525935, 2791701251, 2190905566, 3740328774, 831297460, 3750964864, 2190112044, 899144100, 2346558003, 3851695829, 2896963823, 1548614403, 3676707405, 2050891594, 4165893148, 1883017153, 2668787527, 50330561, 2063572142, 1853585557, 1716111087, 2937248370, 1650859709, 2682305722, 565243175, 3922227187, 3482032705, 2809081500, 2099376873, 230358556, 1065827745, 196966939, 3268845630, 3625508265, 1477799595, 4149453740, 2757835686, 3032697936, 2200108791, 3421680711, 4145382259, 3605253072, 1186485728, 3520482151, 3080733463, 3887314157, 4030447755, 1699987022, 1393253586, 1710066407, 710337383, 3754612557, 2741088369, 337455371, 1304761604, 3592681639, 3099385187, 4003676405, 317081535, 997754381, 480565460, 3806265432, 1068029852, 776179010, 470617537, 3653875421, 2273571919, 1055365147, 1317172834, 3414733003, 2835400613, 28845217, 631741764, 2334552212, 3565466095, 1225096926, 1277781438, 2416008223, 1268768054, 2750789241, 267768398, 2175383438, 268654341, 2550530755, 2971623408, 1666669894, 1934871760, 509782083, 2798468670, 2834016892, 2494149255, 1965005899, 2653045765, 2317194903, 1297426078, 916214929, 2967861004, 2236807006, 2476725285, 128488253, 4277714156, 3016192551, 1690883702, 1329810641, 593010415, 2341313579, 1754238478, 1242698701, 2152594527, 2103269013, 926178633, 647225267, 4243787142, 1489208161, 3188798921, 1327553793, 3644600811, 684513652, 2606555057, 2705329549, 2557469018, 1294205096, 70104222, 3020083528, 2015571237, 2768573480, 401698695, 2812362809, 328919870, 984940142, 1653817439, 471643152, 538942283, 2040555667, 1211982999, 1663497772, 2941793728, 3001026698, 313271977, 3644502703, 2423950047, 2629046069, 3450826936, 44600781, 2633869288, 4267014746, 4204914470, 1955987363, 2590608885, 2120168063, 1460034243, 258056600, 3693550087, 779446436, 902696389, 4228701387, 3165791227, 3478614865, 1500865135, 905884796, 3682046467, 2437847832, 2595888219, 4144484663, 1299603103, 648536946, 1762836247, 4265749196, 950840266, 2928992722, 2051369009, 2071186450, 1164619682, 210405235, 1296628868, 2425474719, 4083386904, 1978331343, 3190898799, 602128683, 2003319330, 1043377147, 756690484, 24776626, 1835824233, 1156421176, 2125448878, 1333136189, 607751135, 4255614767, 4238533009, 2583175632, 230472465, 3037259757, 1546348932, 2537279411, 110471952, 520621708, 63613561, 2843673595, 775036, 1899744556, 1168115970, 2685086321, 3410250658, 3151102153, 634647644, 3639125394, 3344624764, 1525171811, 1878800371, 3356530116, 3676542926, 602053165, 2686708238, 3703555082, 3754961372, 3970030923, 1749014201, 3391107050, 2478152000, 2121779806, 2636689360, 769835312, 4230539591, 1909812524, 417081626, 3096519324, 387659697, 3764499249, 3452925463, 3818277698, 3008920324, 15253694, 1479260759, 2421328720, 2220743357, 38831551, 1032912064, 3400956198, 2362808832, 3988706866, 1950464958, 3248573125, 1225815945, 1211036180, 346407094, 3867176764, 1257086026, 2725236231, 2843735658, 4147241082, 1729974832, 1256499145, 3765975901, 784776076, 4288277427, 3903532520, 3431522864, 2792589977, 2935989154, 3536596892, 3512984120, 605476293, 1774961976, 981422589, 822525778, 3343539932, 422954622, 1323482938, 2523465420, 2746609356, 1664448205, 272567300, 711582493, 3625722107, 3615865699, 950619756, 2864168489, 108006277, 3976313352, 680217319, 173747636, 291134870, 198587329, 595310009, 941470866, 2438488368, 1681923153, 1654783272, 3531789254, 4149541715, 2922706987, 684907209, 3116688362, 3288142886, 3953377592, 3332428007, 1400401813, 3745921798, 1701705628, 3744511893, 1838265811, 3314032512, 3894840150, 3810031409, 181324387, 983160249, 1444959400, 3836664153, 3032673327, 310789231, 3701565562, 1407580781, 2511575629, 3113822685, 1777261998, 2208898751, 106383174, 2961020500, 995776421, 3306087121, 2181030035, 2300064751, 1909543740, 4023156173, 1671619075, 2151956104, 237668401, 3204511253, 1303668692, 3868259787, 2737897899, 4091026033, 2877780671, 134376279, 398912026, 863520778, 3712468923, 3443213666, 2183809552, 2597379302, 349776833, 274697715, 4266593710, 4282186769, 3530757867, 520237914, 3369037397, 2285670338, 387086485, 618942879, 219892882, 2008897906, 2293749560, 2907436476, 3853296593, 327550390, 1558751403, 2125694704, 1822570484, 2409968265, 436622776, 2691124090, 1080819771, 2958107334, 2667158841, 2117901613, 440045635, 3861104471, 3574962701, 3210299248, 1368601573, 2434039520, 86704919, 3628108033, 1909858745, 227461000, 2530509465, 838433817, 730224848, 1060658180, 1318482825, 233266846, 2352800845, 2086493219, 3826355555, 3174377690, 1455208243, 1356597942, 663563056, 2501819374, 4213535259, 1585241464, 873997246, 2597898744, 427064229, 1587746589, 259660817, 1688808891, 4165834345, 1359025114, 2013923952, 2963511711, 2903220732, 356112706, 501549847, 1609412897, 1685128111, 2639303606, 700554261, 914150235, 2010650618, 2029243163, 3046509911, 715702687, 2206956754, 3045298216, 2922667179, 2497577415, 3001819604, 706666890, 2275923855, 3094184383, 2781697712, 3292952666, 4238614078, 278500659, 1440033346, 1552714131, 336554687, 2842580609, 2255044310, 2180071372, 99970159, 2078552309, 1172694639, 1359399314, 546452524, 349053834, 3072254369, 3043246719, 3314426498, 1594992663, 3582269665, 2114045278, 585873328, 840739494, 3475778485, 1506518790, 4008486652, 229989333, 3582278212, 363921215, 3592842520, 1833533669, 708173875, 564248927, 853943228, 2282731374, 2874158047, 3978663285, 2332696531, 1354524859, 58121641, 1445193461, 1936635021, 3374328198, 3465253060, 385589199, 1819596280, 912895627, 1877426726, 733280947, 2004202992, 3311780711, 3732053191, 309903272, 97290141, 2945419335, 3916477072, 1326195031, 3740938055, 3604745262, 3633308956, 3392929431, 1257547457, 251825182, 3318700085, 847033774, 137350663, 1716455973, 546850455, 4227574519, 3044214953, 2259874013, 2442748258, 2956971336, 2198772379, 1269686727, 2648116105, 1339159363, 1473334647, 2386671612, 2069268389],
                            "steps": [
                                        "@value": {
                                            "type": "autosklearn.pipeline.components.data_preprocessing.data_preprocessing.DataPreprocessor",
                                            "params": {
                                                "categorical_features": null,
                                                "config": null,
                                                "dataset_properties": null,
                                                "exclude": null,
                                                "force_sparse_output": null,
                                                "include": null,
                                                "init_params": null,
                                                "pipeline": null,
                                                "random_state": null
                                        "@value": {
                                            "type": "autosklearn.pipeline.components.data_preprocessing.balancing.balancing.Balancing",
                                            "params": {
                                                "random_state": null,
                                                "strategy": "none"
                                        "densifier": "Densifier",
                                        "extra_trees_preproc_for_classification": "ExtraTreesPreprocessorClassification",
                                        "extra_trees_preproc_for_regression": "ExtraTreesPreprocessorRegression",
                                        "fast_ica": "FastICA",
                                        "feature_agglomeration": "FeatureAgglomeration",
                                        "kernel_pca": "KernelPCA",
                                        "kitchen_sinks": "RandomKitchenSinks",
                                        "liblinear_svc_preprocessor": "LibLinear_Preprocessor",
                                        "no_preprocessing": "NoPreprocessing",
                                        "nystroem_sampler": "Nystroem",
                                        "pca": "PCA",
                                        "polynomial": "PolynomialFeatures",
                                        "random_trees_embedding": "RandomTreesEmbedding",
                                        "select_percentile_classification": "SelectPercentileClassification",
                                        "select_percentile_regression": "SelectPercentileRegression",
                                        "select_rates": "SelectRates",
                                        "truncatedSVD": "TruncatedSVD"
                                        "adaboost": "AdaboostClassifier",
                                        "bernoulli_nb": "BernoulliNB",
                                        "decision_tree": "DecisionTree",
                                        "extra_trees": "ExtraTreesClassifier",
                                        "gaussian_nb": "GaussianNB",
                                        "gradient_boosting": "GradientBoostingClassifier",
                                        "k_nearest_neighbors": "KNearestNeighborsClassifier",
                                        "lda": "LDA",
                                        "liblinear_svc": "LibLinear_SVC",
                                        "libsvm_svc": "LibSVM_SVC",
                                        "multinomial_nb": "MultinomialNB",
                                        "passive_aggressive": "PassiveAggressive",
                                        "qda": "QDA",
                                        "random_forest": "RandomForest",
                                        "sgd": "SGD"
                            "data_preprocessing": {
                                "@value": {
                                    "type": "autosklearn.pipeline.components.data_preprocessing.data_preprocessing.DataPreprocessor",
                                    "params": {
                                        "categorical_features": null,
                                        "config": null,
                                        "dataset_properties": null,
                                        "exclude": null,
                                        "force_sparse_output": null,
                                        "include": null,
                                        "init_params": null,
                                        "pipeline": null,
                                        "random_state": null
                            "balancing": {
                                "@value": {
                                    "type": "autosklearn.pipeline.components.data_preprocessing.balancing.balancing.Balancing",
                                    "params": {
                                        "random_state": null,
                                        "strategy": "none"
                            "feature_preprocessor": {
                                "densifier": "Densifier",
                                "extra_trees_preproc_for_classification": "ExtraTreesPreprocessorClassification",
                                "extra_trees_preproc_for_regression": "ExtraTreesPreprocessorRegression",
                                "fast_ica": "FastICA",
                                "feature_agglomeration": "FeatureAgglomeration",
                                "kernel_pca": "KernelPCA",
                                "kitchen_sinks": "RandomKitchenSinks",
                                "liblinear_svc_preprocessor": "LibLinear_Preprocessor",
                                "no_preprocessing": "NoPreprocessing",
                                "nystroem_sampler": "Nystroem",
                                "pca": "PCA",
                                "polynomial": "PolynomialFeatures",
                                "random_trees_embedding": "RandomTreesEmbedding",
                                "select_percentile_classification": "SelectPercentileClassification",
                                "select_percentile_regression": "SelectPercentileRegression",
                                "select_rates": "SelectRates",
                                "truncatedSVD": "TruncatedSVD"
                            "classifier": {
                                "adaboost": "AdaboostClassifier",
                                "bernoulli_nb": "BernoulliNB",
                                "decision_tree": "DecisionTree",
                                "extra_trees": "ExtraTreesClassifier",
                                "gaussian_nb": "GaussianNB",
                                "gradient_boosting": "GradientBoostingClassifier",
                                "k_nearest_neighbors": "KNearestNeighborsClassifier",
                                "lda": "LDA",
                                "liblinear_svc": "LibLinear_SVC",
                                "libsvm_svc": "LibSVM_SVC",
                                "multinomial_nb": "MultinomialNB",
                                "passive_aggressive": "PassiveAggressive",
                                "qda": "QDA",
                                "random_forest": "RandomForest",
                                "sgd": "SGD"
                            "data_preprocessing__categorical_features": null,
                            "data_preprocessing__config": null,
                            "data_preprocessing__dataset_properties": null,
                            "data_preprocessing__exclude": null,
                            "data_preprocessing__force_sparse_output": null,
                            "data_preprocessing__include": null,
                            "data_preprocessing__init_params": null,
                            "data_preprocessing__pipeline": null,
                            "data_preprocessing__random_state": null,
                            "balancing__random_state": null,
                            "balancing__strategy": "none"
            "specified_by": {
                "@id": "_:automl"
            "@type": "mls:ModelEvaluation"
    "realizes": null,
    "version": null,
    "name": null,
    "@context": {
        "mls": "",
        "@version": 1.1,
        "_id": "@id",
        "dcterms": "",
        "executes": {
            "@id": "mls:executes",
            "@context": {
                "mls": "",
                "@version": 1.1,
                "_id": "@id",
                "dcterms": "",
                "name": "dcterms:title",
                "parameters": {
                    "@id": "mls:hasHyperParameter",
                    "@context": {
                        "mls": "",
                        "@version": 1.1,
                        "_id": "@id"
                "implements": {
                    "@id": "mls:implements",
                    "@context": {
                        "mls": "",
                        "@version": 1.1,
                        "_id": "@id"
                "version": "dcterms:hasVersion"
        "input_values": {
            "@id": "mls:hasInput",
            "@context": {
                "mls": "",
                "@version": 1.1,
                "_id": "@id",
                "xsd": "",
                "specified_by": "mls:specifiedBy",
                "value": "mls:hasValue"
        "output_values": {
            "@id": "mls:hasOutput",
            "@context": {
                "mls": "",
                "@version": 1.1,
                "_id": "@id",
                "xsd": "",
                "specified_by": "mls:specifiedBy",
                "value": "mls:hasValue"
        "realizes": {
            "@id": "mls:implements",
            "@context": {
                "mls": "",
                "@version": 1.1,
                "_id": "@id"
        "version": "dcterms:hasVersion",
        "name": "dcterms:title"
    "@type": "mls:Run"
chrisbarber commented 4 years ago

And heres a diff since I didn't create a branch

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago

yeah its a good start but these things need to be normalized to the schema, meaning that the output values has to be representing HyperParameterSettings if you know what i mean. coz there we have a full machine that has HyperParameter and HyperParameterSettings. i'll try to use the dumped json to show what i mean above

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago

btw if you would do a PR then i could add there some more comments as well

chrisbarber commented 4 years ago

yeah its a good start but these things need to be normalized to the schema, meaning that the output values has to be representing HyperParameterSettings if you know what i mean. coz there we have a full machine that has HyperParameter and HyperParameterSettings. i'll try to use the dumped json to show what i mean above

I just randomly guessed using ModelEvaluation. If it's as simple as switching that to HyperParameterSettings like with the .input_values I can do that; otherwise yeah I guess I will need some explanation

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago

ok so let's take this part of the generated json:

   "classifier:random_forest:bootstrap": "True",
                                "classifier:random_forest:criterion": "gini",
                                "classifier:random_forest:max_depth": "None",
                                "classifier:random_forest:max_features": 0.5,
                                "classifier:random_forest:max_leaf_nodes": "None",
                                "classifier:random_forest:min_impurity_decrease": 0.0,
                                "classifier:random_forest:min_samples_leaf": 1,
                                "classifier:random_forest:min_samples_split": 2,
                                "classifier:random_forest:min_weight_fraction_leaf": 0.0,

so this is basically the HyperParameterSetting of a sklearn RandomForest. if you run the converter on a simple sklearn RF you would get something like this:

    "identifier": "a9156457-114e-4dea-9dfa-37f2b3a587df",
    "executes": {
        "_id": "_:sklearn.ensemble._forest.RandomForestClassifier",
        "identifier": "aac39ab5-c124-4b84-bf85-d36c2d925c56",
        "name": null,
        "parameters": [{
            "_id": "_:bootstrap",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:ccp_alpha",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:class_weight",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:criterion",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:max_depth",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:max_features",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:max_leaf_nodes",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:max_samples",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:min_impurity_decrease",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:min_impurity_split",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:min_samples_leaf",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:min_samples_split",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:min_weight_fraction_leaf",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:n_estimators",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:n_jobs",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:oob_score",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:random_state",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:verbose",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        }, {
            "_id": "_:warm_start",
            "@type": "mls:HyperParameter"
        "implements": {
            "_id": "_:sklearn.ensemble._forest.RandomForestClassifier",
            "@type": "mls:Algorithm"
        "version": null,
        "@type": "mls:Implementation"
    "input_values": [{
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:boolean",
            "@value": true
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:bootstrap"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:float",
            "@value": 0.0
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:ccp_alpha"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:anyURI",
            "@value": null
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:class_weight"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:string",
            "@value": "entropy"
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:criterion"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:anyURI",
            "@value": null
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:max_depth"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:string",
            "@value": "auto"
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:max_features"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:anyURI",
            "@value": null
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:max_leaf_nodes"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:anyURI",
            "@value": null
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:max_samples"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:float",
            "@value": 0.0
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:min_impurity_decrease"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:anyURI",
            "@value": null
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:min_impurity_split"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:int",
            "@value": 1
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:min_samples_leaf"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:int",
            "@value": 2
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:min_samples_split"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:float",
            "@value": 0.0
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:min_weight_fraction_leaf"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:int",
            "@value": 1
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:n_estimators"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:anyURI",
            "@value": null
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:n_jobs"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:boolean",
            "@value": false
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:oob_score"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:anyURI",
            "@value": null
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:random_state"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:int",
            "@value": 0
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:verbose"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    }, {
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:boolean",
            "@value": false
        "specified_by": {
            "@id": "_:warm_start"
        "@type": "mls:HyperParameterSetting"
    "output_values": [{
        "_id": "_:accuracy_score1892606500",
        "value": {
            "@type": "xsd:double",
            "@value": 0.864406779661017
        "specified_by": {
            "_id": "",
            "@type": "mls:EvaluationMeasure"
        "@type": "mls:ModelEvaluation"
    "realizes": {
        "_id": "_:sklearn.ensemble._forest.RandomForestClassifier",
        "@type": "mls:Algorithm"
    "version": null,
    "name": null,
    "@context": {
        "mls": "",
        "@version": 1.1,
        "_id": "@id",
        "dcterms": "",
        "executes": {
            "@id": "mls:executes",
            "@context": {
                "mls": "",
                "@version": 1.1,
                "_id": "@id",
                "dcterms": "",
                "name": "dcterms:title",
                "parameters": {
                    "@id": "mls:hasHyperParameter",
                    "@context": {
                        "mls": "",
                        "@version": 1.1,
                        "_id": "@id"
                "implements": {
                    "@id": "mls:implements",
                    "@context": {
                        "mls": "",
                        "@version": 1.1,
                        "_id": "@id"
                "version": "dcterms:hasVersion"
        "input_values": {
            "@id": "mls:hasInput",
            "@context": {
                "mls": "",
                "@version": 1.1,
                "_id": "@id",
                "xsd": "",
                "specified_by": "mls:specifiedBy",
                "value": "mls:hasValue"
        "output_values": {
            "@id": "mls:hasOutput",
            "@context": {
                "mls": "",
                "@version": 1.1,
                "_id": "@id",
                "xsd": "",
                "specified_by": "mls:specifiedBy",
                "value": "mls:hasValue"
        "realizes": {
            "@id": "mls:implements",
            "@context": {
                "mls": "",
                "@version": 1.1,
                "_id": "@id"
        "version": "dcterms:hasVersion",
        "name": "dcterms:title"
    "@type": "mls:Run"

so the idea is that the first one i've quoted should be formulated something like above namely have an Implementation and that has it's HyperParamaters which will have their HyperParameterSettings...

and similarly to all the other sklearn components in the pipeline

chrisbarber commented 4 years ago

what's the status of mlschema? is it possible to programmatically validate against it yet?

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago

afaik there's currently no json schema defined over it, nor xmlschema.

chrisbarber commented 4 years ago

@vigsterkr can you tell me if you like this json. this does two things:

  1. considers everything that responds to get_params as an mls Run and all the params as HyperParameterSettings. if things are not Run's then i guess i need to know what they are.

  2. takes that Configuration from autosklearn and instantiates a dummy sklearn model according to it, so it can be converted to the corresponding mls. right now this is hacked-in (hard coded for random forest for this example); want to confirm before generalizing

json ```json { "@context": { "@version": 1.1, "_id": "@id", "dcterms": "", "executes": { "@context": { "@version": 1.1, "_id": "@id", "dcterms": "", "implements": { "@context": { "@version": 1.1, "_id": "@id", "mls": "" }, "@id": "mls:implements" }, "mls": "", "name": "dcterms:title", "parameters": { "@context": { "@version": 1.1, "_id": "@id", "mls": "" }, "@id": "mls:hasHyperParameter" }, "version": "dcterms:hasVersion" }, "@id": "mls:executes" }, "input_values": { "@context": { "@version": 1.1, "_id": "@id", "mls": "", "specified_by": "mls:specifiedBy", "value": "mls:hasValue", "xsd": "" }, "@id": "mls:hasInput" }, "mls": "", "name": "dcterms:title", "output_values": { "@context": { "@version": 1.1, "_id": "@id", "mls": "", "specified_by": "mls:specifiedBy", "value": "mls:hasValue", "xsd": "" }, "@id": "mls:hasOutput" }, "realizes": { "@context": { "@version": 1.1, "_id": "@id", "mls": "" }, "@id": "mls:implements" }, "version": "dcterms:hasVersion" }, "@type": "mls:Run", 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if it's too hard to confirm the json i can clean up what i have and check in so that it can be reviewed conceptually but (1) and (2) above basically explain what i did, and to me it is more efficient to hack certian bits until i know what i am actually trying to produce

vigsterkr commented 4 years ago

@chrisbarber i'll check into it asap in the meanwhile i'll just put together a json schema as that should be fairly easy to do and then that could be used to validate outputs in tests as well

chrisbarber commented 4 years ago

This could help clean up what I hacked together for (2) above, but not sure yet