SwissDataScienceCenter / renku-python

A Python library for the Renku collaborative data science platform.
Apache License 2.0
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store DOI/URL generated by export to 3rd party provider #1194

Open emmjab opened 4 years ago

emmjab commented 4 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

We currently have both dataset import and export capabilities to 3rd party providers, but we only store source URL/DOI (in the dataset's metadata.yml and also in the commit message) for dataset imports.

If we also store the DOI generated by the 3rd party providers for dataset exports, it would be easier for users to:

Describe the solution you'd like

  1. Add the generated DOI to the metadata.yml or wherever the KG can find it
  2. And/or tag the dataset at the exported commit with the DOI/URL
  3. create a commit message that contains the export command & the DOI so users can use the commit log as a workaround

As a corollary, i realized while writing this issue, I can't find the source URL/DOI for datasets that were imported without looking directly at the DOI -- i think this should be a parameter added to renku dataset -c

rokroskar commented 4 years ago

I think @jsam has made an issue related to this?

rokroskar commented 4 years ago

This would be a great addition - should work really nicely once #1142 is in! /cc @jsam @mohammad-sdsc