SwissDataScienceCenter / renku

Renku provides a platform and tools for reproducible and collaborative data analysis.
Apache License 2.0
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Support for Frictionless Data standards #296

Open loleg opened 6 years ago

loleg commented 6 years ago

During the Open Science workshop at the question of interoperability of Frictionless Data with Renku came up. It seems that the Web API has not been formally specified, but from what I can see in the code, it should be a case of creating an additional SwaggerControllerHelper which creates a new API endpoint to download schema in the form of a Data Package. Conversely, the (meta)data import process could be expanded with support for datapackage.json - though a JSON-LD converter on our side would be another option. Currently we do not have native Scala support, though this could be proposed and in the meantime the Java library may be used for integration.


rokroskar commented 6 years ago

@loleg thanks for chiming in, I wanted to bring this up with you in person but had to catch a train. We should definitely look into this -- it would be great to integrate Frictionless Data and we've actually discussed this internally in the past. Looking at Data Package it seems to be very close to the direction we were going in anyway so it shouldn't be difficult to support.