Maintenance of the WHO 2022 Verbal Autopsy Instrument and Documentation
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COD List: code-overlapping issues #30

Open fire-bot opened 6 years ago

fire-bot commented 6 years ago

Sent by Nichols, Erin K. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS) ( Created by fire.

Issue described below with suggested updates, approved by Robert Jakob 8/22, noted. Updated document to be sent to Jordana to include in updated manual and guidelines for application and use, targeting release by December 2018.

From: Mswia, Robert []
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 9:25 AM
To: Loraine West (CENSUS/POP FED) [](;; Nichols, Erin K. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS) [](;;
Cc: Reynolds, Zahra [](
Subject: RE: Questions on the WHO 2016 VA questionnaires

Dear all

Just to add to Loraine’s comments below, we also found few code-overlapping issues with the Appendix 1 – the cause of death list for verbal autopsy with corresponding ICD-10 codes. There seems to be overlap with IC D-10 codes being grouped into more than one 2016 category

Examples below

a) VAs-01.99 - Unspecified infectious disease : ICD-10 code range (A20-A38) is included. This range also include A33 (Neonatal tetanus) A34-A35 (Tetanus), and A37 (Pertussis)

� Should become: A20-A33, A36, A38

b) VAs-01.99 - Unspecified infectious disease : ICD-10 code range (B00-B19) is included here. The range includes B05 which is for measles, classified elsewhere

� Should become: B00-B04; B06-B19

c) VAs-98 – Other and unspecified non-communicable disease :

a. ICD-10 code range (D55-D89) is included. But D55-D64 is for severe Anemia. D57 which is also in this range is code for Sickle cell disease.

� Should become D65-D89

b. Additionally, the same category includes ICD-10 code range K40-K93. However, K70-K76 which is in the range are codes for Liver cirrhosis

� Should become K40-K69; K77-K76

d) VAs-02.99 – Other and unspecified neoplasms :

a. Includes the range C60 to D48. But C60-C63 are classified elsewhere - codes for male reproductive neoplasms.

� Should become C64-D48

b. Also C91-C95 is included in this range. However, these are codes for Leukemia, which are already classified in another category

� This was corrected in latest version of table; leukemia was removed from specific cause and moved to Other and unspecified neoplasms already.

If countries adopt this proposed tabulation list without double checking the categories for any overlap, they will not have correct causes of death


Need to confirm if there are codes for the upper ends of these ranges