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Proposed updates to maternal section of WHO VA questionnaire #33

Closed fire-bot closed 5 years ago

fire-bot commented 6 years ago

Sent by Nichols, Erin K. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS) ( Created by fire.

Re maternal death section updates and 10305

From: Peter Byass
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2018 11:31 AM
To: Nichols, Erin K. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS);; 'Daniel Chandramohan'; Jakob Robert (
Subject: RE: Proposed updates to maternal section of WHO VA questionnaire

Dear Erin and colleagues,

I have gone through the proposed changes to WHO 2016 outlined in your document of 10th August and made changes to InterVA-5 accordingly. A few points for next week’s meeting:

WHO describes pregnancy as “the nine months or so for which a woman carries a developing embryo and foetus in her womb” which is obviously still true during labour (

Therefore the clarified version of question 10305 should be “Was she pregnant (including in labour) at the time of death?” and the Q by Q should follow that – I have no idea how the excluding phrase “before the development of any labour pains or onset or completion of delivery” came into the Q by Q , and it was certainly not part of earlier VA standards.

Having updated InterVA-5 against your list of issues 1 to 13 with proposed changes, I re-ran a population-based data file containing 16,087 VA records, and all that happened was that the cause for one case moved from 09.07 Anaemia of pregnancy to 09.04 Obstetric haemorrhage. So, although it is obviously important to get these details right, we shouldn’t anticipate it making a huge overall difference to outcomes.

Hope this is helpful for next week’s discussion.

Best wishes,


Peter Byass

Professor of Global Health, Ume� University

Honorary Professor, Universities of Aberdeen and the Witwatersrand

From: Nichols, Erin K. (CDC/OPHSS/NCHS) []
Sent: 10 August 2018 16:29
To:; Peter Byass [](; 'Daniel Chandramohan' [](; Jakob Robert ( [](; 'Henry Kalter' [](
Subject: Proposed updates to maternal section of WHO VA questionnaire

Hello all,

Following various discussions this week, please see attached a summary of the review, comments, and proposed updates of issues reported concerning the maternal death section of the questionnaire (version 1.5.1).

Jordana will be including these in a log of other proposed updates that will be put forth for review by the WHO VA Working Group in the coming weeks.

Peter and Henry, your careful review and agreement with these proposed updates and issues is highly appreciated.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks and kind regards,


aurdipas commented 5 years ago

issue addressed on version 1.5.2