Add the possibility to specify per genotype vaccine efficacy for all the three vaccines implemented in OpenMalaria:
The VACCINE_GENOTYPE model option must be set.
When the VACCINE_GENOTYPE option is set, the user MUST provide a phenotype description including initialEfficay values for each locus and allele defined in the parasiteGenetics section of the xml.
<PEV> <!--assuming csp (from RTS.S-A01), anti-circumsporozoit -->
<decay L="7.32" k="0.69" function="weibull"/>
<efficacyB value="10.0"/> <!-- efficacyB is used in beta distribution to assign efficacy of vaccine to an individual, allows heterogeneity-->
<phenotype name="sensitive">
<restriction onLocus="x" toAllele="sensitive"/>
<initialEfficacy value="0.91"/>
<initialEfficacy value="0.49"/>
<phenotype name="resistant">
<restriction onLocus="x" toAllele="resistant"/>
<initialEfficacy value="0.91"/>
<initialEfficacy value="0.49"/>
<parasiteGenetics samplingMode="tracking">
<!-- Define name/freq/fitness of the locus/alleles defined in the drugPD code -->
<locus name="x">
<allele fitness="1" initialFrequency="0.5" name="sensitive"/>
<allele fitness="1" initialFrequency="0.5" name="resistant"/>
When VACCINE_GENOTYPE is set, nExpected is no longer affected by the PEV vaccine. Only the reporting is affected, and the simulation will work as expected.
When VACCINE_GENOTYPE is NOT set, then the above will work as usual for consistency with older versions.
Add the possibility to specify per genotype vaccine efficacy for all the three vaccines implemented in OpenMalaria:
The VACCINE_GENOTYPE model option must be set.
When the VACCINE_GENOTYPE option is set, the user MUST provide a phenotype description including initialEfficay values for each locus and allele defined in the parasiteGenetics section of the xml.
When VACCINE_GENOTYPE is set, nExpected is no longer affected by the PEV vaccine. Only the reporting is affected, and the simulation will work as expected.
When VACCINE_GENOTYPE is NOT set, then the above will work as usual for consistency with older versions.