adds replacer.register_exception() to allow special nodes that don't rotate with param2, like cable plates. These are also already added by default if technic mod is being used
changes that give priv does not also grant modes only creative does
changes a lot in how nodes are searched and how their amount is limited. On one hand much nicer holes/buildups on the other less per click when clicking on 'infinite' planes (adjusted version of
Reviewers please test in general and especially if we need to change the default parameters for search and replace variables.
@S-S-X @OgelGames @BuckarooBanzai @coil0 @6r1d
This commit changes:
Reviewers please test in general and especially if we need to change the default parameters for search and replace variables. @S-S-X @OgelGames @BuckarooBanzai @coil0 @6r1d