Swizzy / PS3DumpChecker

A PS3 NOR/NAND Dump Checker/Verifier
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Unhandled Exception at Launch #15

Closed arman-ku closed 6 years ago

arman-ku commented 6 years ago

Happens at each launch no matter what. win10pro x64 10.0.17134.228 uexc.txt

arman-ku commented 6 years ago

i am having another issue but i think it happens because of this first one. ps3dumpchecker seems to patch the images incorrectly. i can see the ROS being patched, but when i load the patched backup, it does not get detected as prepatched, so i get asked if i want to patch again.

Swizzy commented 6 years ago

It means your hashes aren’t up to date or the guy that maintains this now forgot to update that

arman-ku commented 6 years ago

I am using the one provided in this repo. Just cloned it again just to be sure. Still same.

Swizzy commented 6 years ago

The first error you mentioned sort of tells me you're missing the hashlist, but i no longer maintain this project and don't have time to further investigate this issue right now

littlebalup commented 6 years ago

The guy is still around ;) I double checked and everything works fine for me on Win10 Pro x64 10.0.17134.

You can check those points:

Edit: I finally reproduced your error. Seems there is an issue downloading hashlist and cfg. I'll deeper investigate. Meantime you can uncheck the "Enable auto cfg download" and the "Enable auto hashlist download " options in the settings to not have that error popup.

arman-ku commented 6 years ago

Thank you.

Are you sure the image patch bug is caused by this as well? It is a completely original bin with ofw ROS. I tried it with a ps3xploit patched image too, same.

littlebalup commented 6 years ago

No, it's not caused by that. I feel your hashlist is no updated. Ensure you have the latest version (build 491 or 492) and delete any default.hashlist and default.cfg file from your exe folder (so, they will be regenerated with latest versions included in the exe). Then try again please.

littlebalup commented 6 years ago

@Swizzy, could you help on that? That error appears at launch when one or both of the "Enable auto cfg download" or "Enable auto hashlist download " options are checked or when openning the UpdateForm. Same issue on both Win10 and 7. Same issue with previous builds that worked before. I feel something changed on the github side but I fail to identify what's wrong... :(

Edit: Well, I made a quick test making a web local server of the repo and edited urls in the UpdateForm.cs accordingly. Everything works fine. So, something changed on the github side...

Swizzy commented 6 years ago

Where is it crashing exactly?

littlebalup commented 6 years ago

Each time the app try to connect to your github repo to download string or file. This is an example of the catched webexception from the UpdateForm GetFinalUrl fonction : https://image.prntscr.com/image/Tw7dvfI0TRuHef6f9WymJA.png

littlebalup commented 6 years ago

Well, I think I finally found someting... Seems github moved to TLS 1.2 security protocol : https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=github.com&s= And that protocol is not supported by .Net framework 2.0... Changing to .Net framework 4.5 and using "ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;" before a HttpWebRequest seems to work.

But we will loose win XP compatibility...

Swizzy commented 6 years ago

Makes sense, the original error doesn't say that specifically tho :/

There are workarounds - for example using another server that communicates with Github instead of the app communicating with github...

littlebalup commented 6 years ago

Well, I personnaly don't want to mess with another server... And I think we can definitivelly move to .Net 4.5 now. I made the changes and it's ready to commit. Just let me know if you disagree.

littlebalup commented 6 years ago
