Swordfish90 / cool-retro-term

A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display...
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Support for tabs and other related features #30

Closed saward closed 10 years ago

saward commented 10 years ago


Project looks great! Very nicely done.

Would be good to have tabs, and other settings like scrollback history length.

alexdantas commented 10 years ago

I kinda disagree with tabs... Isn't the purpose of this to mimic old cathode tube screens? How would it visually look like one with tabs?

For this purpose one could use a terminal multiplexer, such as GNU Screen or tmux. This option also has the benefit of looking rad.

Check out how it looks with dvtm:


As for the other features, I completely agree! I just think we should create an issue for each one of them, to keep better control of progress, don't you think?

viccuad commented 10 years ago

Also, using tmux or screen fixes the need for scrollbars.

saward commented 10 years ago

Good points!

alexdantas commented 10 years ago

@saward besides tabs and history length, what else did you have in mind? It think it would be good if you made an issue for each suggestion, that way we could work them out.

@Swordifish90 what do you think? If you agree with what me and @viccuad said, can we close this issue? If you don't, it would be nice to know if you plan to implement this anytime.

Swordfish90 commented 10 years ago

Sorry for the late response, anyway I agree with @viccuad and @alexdantas on those points. I'm not personally a fan of terminal tabs for the same points they expressed. I'm not against the scrollbar though. It might be nice a simple overlay scrollbar (that can be disabled). It is not going to come soon, at the moment there are more pressing issues. Thank you for your suggestions!

tebicap commented 2 years ago

Sometimes modern features mixed with a retro look feels better than just a retro look (at least for me). I my case I'm using custom settings and I would like to have a tabs feature, but with a no-tabs aspect when there is not opened a second tab in order to keep the interface clean. Screenshot_20220602_213857