Swordfish90 / cool-retro-term

A good looking terminal emulator which mimics the old cathode display...
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Feature Request: Images in terminal #752

Open EmiliaTheGoddess opened 2 years ago

EmiliaTheGoddess commented 2 years ago

cool-retro-term still doesn't have image support. I'd love to have image support for w3m. I think this is an essential feature.

nedart commented 2 years ago

I would love to see this as well, I use ranger / lf for file management and it is possible to display file previews as images using that software. Having this option in cool retro term would be fantastic

justchokingaround commented 1 year ago

in the case that you are using wayland, there is a workaround that i use to get image previews working in cool-retro-term. you can use ueberzugpp (compiled from source with the -DENABLE_WAYLAND=ON flag, and then it is possible to have image previews using a floating window, here are a few examples of what i use it for:

my lobster script:


lf, using lfub:


and ncmpcpp:
