SwuduSusuwu / SubStack

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[Improve] `cxx/VirusAnalysis.cxx`: per-computer randomness of signatures/heuristics/sandboxes #12

Open SwuduSusuwu opened 4 months ago

SwuduSusuwu commented 4 months ago

Background: produceAbortListSignatures (cxx/VirusAnalysis.cxx#L96) uses listProduceUniqueSubstr (cxx/ClassResultList.hxx#L76) to produce the shortest signature of each infection which does not overlap with honest executables (does not give false positives). Rationale: To mimic human immune responses, can do per-compute randomness as: use std::random to choose a few signatures, remove some of the first/last of those signatures to allow false positives (plus mo re detections of new infections which would otherwise have false negatives.) This requires a new bool (such as ResultListSignature.triggersFalsePositives) which causes signatureAnalysis to not return virusAnalysisAbort but rather return virusAnalysisRequiresReview (asks the user what to do.) The randomness can also include: staticAnalysis which triggers false positives (plus ask the user what to do); random versions of the chroot for sandboxAnalysis.

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