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`HSOM` (Python) / `apxr_run` (Erlang) too difficult to include; produce C++ artificial central nervous sys #6

Open SwuduSusuwu opened 2 weeks ago

SwuduSusuwu commented 2 weeks ago


typedef class HsomCns : Cns {
/* Work-in-progress (`ClassCns.cxx` for more information): `HSOM` is simple Python-based CNS from https://github.com/CarsonScott/HSOM 
 * Examples of howto setup `HSOM` as artificial CNS; https://github.com/CarsonScott/HSOM/tree/master/examples
 * [ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3286448/calling-a-python-method-from-c-c-and-extracting-its-return-value ] suggests various syntaxes to use for this, with unanswered comments such as "Does this support classes?"
} HsomCns;
#endif /* USE_HSOM_CNS */

typedef class ApxrCns : Cns {
/* Work-in-progress (`ClassCns.cxx for more information): `apxr` is complex Erlang-based CNS from https://github.com/Rober-t/apxr_run/
 * Examples of howto setup `apxr` as artificial CNS; https://github.com/Rober-t/apxr_run/blob/master/src/examples/
 * "apxr_run" has various FLOSS neural network activation functions (absolute, average, standard deviation, sqrt, sin, tanh, log, sigmoid, cos), plus sensor functions (vector difference, quadratic, multiquadric, saturation [+D-zone], gaussian, cartesian/planar/polar distances): https://github.com/Rober-t/apxr_run/blob/master/src/lib/functions.erl
 * Various FLOSS neuroplastic functions (self-modulation, Hebbian function, Oja's function): https://github.com/Rober-t/apxr_run/blob/master/src/lib/plasticity.erl
 * Various FLOSS neural network input aggregator functions (dot products, product of differences, mult products): https://github.com/Rober-t/apxr_run/blob/master/src/agent_mgr/signal_aggregator.erl
 * Various simulated-annealing functions for artificial neural networks (dynamic [+ random], active [+ random], current [+ random], all [+ random]): https://github.com/Rober-t/apxr_run/blob/master/src/lib/tuning_selection.erl
 * Choices to evolve connections through Darwinian or Lamarkian formulas: https://github.com/Rober-t/apxr_run/blob/master/src/agent_mgr/neuron.erl
} ApxrCns;
#endif /* USE_APXR_CNS */


/* Sources: `git clone https://github.com/CarsonScott/HSOM.git`
 * Install: `pip install pynum && pip install json && pip install git+https://github.com/CarsonScott/HSOM.git`
 * Documentation: `less HSOM/README.md` `less HSOM/Documentation.md` */
/* "If you're using Python >3.5, PyString_FromString() is PyUnicode_FromString()" */
#include <Python.h> /* Sources: `pkg install python` */
typedef class HsomCns : Cns { /* TODO. ( https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3286448/calling-a-python-method-from-c-c-and-extracting-its-return-value ) suggests various syntaxes to use for this, with unanswered comments such as "Does this support classes?" */
    //template<Input, Output> void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<Input, Output>>) { /* TODO: templates not allowed for virtual functions with C++ ( https://stackoverflow.com/a/78440416/24473928 ), so must produce codes for each combination of inputMode+outputMode */
    void setupSynapses(const std::vector<std::tuple<float, float>>) {
//  PyRun_SimpleString("import sys; sys.path.append('.')"); PyRun_SimpleString("import hsom; from hsom import SelfOrganizingNetwork;"); 
#if USE_PYRUN /* Was told not to use PyRun because "PyRun requires all results go to stdout" */
PyRun_SimpleString("import sys; sys.path.append('./HSOM/')");

/* Based off of https://github.com/CarsonScott/HSOM/blob/master/examples/self_organizing_network.py
 * Not sure if `input_size` is "Inputs from each layer to next layer" and `node_count` is "Inputs to HSOM" (process(input.length())) or vice versa, assumed vice versa */

PyRun_SimpleString("import hsom
from hsom import SelfOrganizingNetwork
from random import sample

input_size = " + inputNeurons + "
layer_sizes = []
for x in range(" + layersOfNeurons + "):
    layer_sizes.append(" + neuronsPerLayer + ");
layer_sizes.append(" + outputNeurons + ");
input_percents = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.75, 1.0]
learning_rate = 0.05
boost_factor = 1
node_count = 5
winner_count = 1
initial_range = (-0.5, 0.5)

# Create layersOfNeurons+1 hierarchical layers of sizes = neuronsPerLayer, and outputNeurons for last
self_organizing_network = SelfOrganizingNetwork(

# Create a set of sparse samples
samples = []");
    foreach(inputsToOutputs as sample) { /* TODO: templates not allowed for virtual functions with C++ ( https://stackoverflow.com/a/78440416/24473928 ), so must produce codes for each combination of inputMode+outputMode */
        PyRun_SimpleString("samples.append(" + sample.first() +" -> " + sample.last() + ")");
    PyRun_SimpleString("for i in range(200):
#else /* else !USE_PYRUN */
    PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule("hsom")
    if(NULL == module) {throw "'hsom' module not found";}
    PyObject *selfOrganizingNetwork = PyObject_GetAttrString(module,(char*)"SelfOrganizingNetwork"); /* or  "PyObject *pDict = PyModule_GetDict(module);  PyObject *selfOrganizingNetwork = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict, (char*)"SelfOrganizingNetwork");" */
    if(NULL == selfOrganizingNetwork || !PyCallable_Check(selfOrganizingNetwork)) {throw "'SelfOrganizingNetwork' object not found";}
    double result = PyObject_CallFunction(selfOrganizingNetwork, "d", 2.0); /* or "PyObject *pValue=Py_BuildValue("(z)",(char*)"args"); PyObject *pResult=PyObject_CallObject(selfOrganizingNetwork, pValue); if(NULL == pResult) {throw "PyObject_CallObject failed";} double result = PyInt_AsLong(pResult)); Py_DECREF(pValue);" */
 ~HsomCns() {
#else /* else !PYTHON */
#endif /* PYTHON3 else */
#endif /* USE_PYRUN else */
} HsomCns;
#endif /* USE_HSOM_CNS */

/* Sources: `git clone https://github.com/Rober-t/apxr_run.git` 
 * Howto install apxr_run: `less apxr_run/README.md` or `lynx https://github.com/Rober-t/apxr_run/blob/master/README.md` */
typedef class ApxrCns : Cns {
/* TODO: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1811516/integrating-erlang-with-c (first result for "Howto use Erlang functions from C/C++"):
 * ""Port drivers: you can link a C code to the Erlang VM, and access it using port_command."" references https://www.erlang.org/doc/tutorial/c_portdriver.html , which appears to just show howto use C/C++ functions from Erlang (not vice versa)
 * ""C Nodes: With the ei library you can mimic a VM and talk to your Erlang VMs using the Erlang distribution format."" references https://www.erlang.org/doc/man/ei.html , which shows some promises
 * ""The closest thing I know for interfacing Erlang with C++ directly is EPAPI. Of course it relies on the tried and tested C erl_interface that comes standard with the Erlang distribution."" references https://epapi.googlecode.com/ , which returns "404 not found".
} ApxrCns;
#endif /* USE_APXR_CNS */
SwuduSusuwu commented 2 weeks ago

Lots of FLOSS C++ neural networks to use as to implement class Cns interfaces, such as: https://github.com/yixuan/MiniDNN https://github.com/gantoreno/iris