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omegaconf.errors.ConfigKeyError: Key 'input_modality' not in 'AVHubertPretrainingConfig' #4

Open Keith-Hon opened 1 year ago

Keith-Hon commented 1 year ago

followd the instructions in the readme , but got the above error. Which version of fairseq did you use?

Sxjdwang commented 1 year ago

please follow the instruction of AV-Hubert repo. to install the correct fairseq.

kaylolittlejohn commented 1 year ago

Same issue

mandydi commented 9 months ago

met the same issue。 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'avhubert’


遇到omegaconf.errors.ConfigKeyError: Key 'input_modalitnot in 'AVHubertPretrainingConfig' 这个问题

或许我应该在同一个虚拟环境下操作,可是No module named 'avhubert’涉及到文件结构,我应该在哪个目录下clone av_hubert repo?