SyGoing / LFFD-MNN

MNN Implementation of the paper of LFFD: A Light and Fast Face Detector for Edge Devices
MIT License
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Note out(注释掉) the line 57(predict_score = mxnet.symbol.slice_axis(predict_score, axis=1, begin=0, end=1) #8

Open 394781865 opened 5 years ago

394781865 commented 5 years ago

把mxnet模型转onnx模型前需要Note out(注释掉) the line 57(predict_score = mxnet.symbol.slice_axis(predict_score, axis=1, begin=0, end=1),现在我想用python+tensorrt推理onnx模型,如何得到注释the line 57之前的结果呢?