SyangC / GroupHug

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React or Angular? #8

Open BexB1 opened 7 years ago

BexB1 commented 7 years ago

This weekend I've been busy stripping out the current styling to prepare the app for restyling.

I've had some trouble deciding the way forward for Grouphug in terms of our JS framework;

The app is currently built in AngularJS, which is outdated and lacks the power of newer frameworks/libraries. It may be easier to migrate from AngularJS to Angular 4.0, the latest version. React, however, has more support and plays nicer with Webpack, which will increase app efficiency.

JulesJam commented 7 years ago

At this stage I think we may want to stick with Angular to avoid too much need for reworking as James' really wants to have MVP - with the amount of time we currently have for the project it may be better to get MVP complete as is then re-work to react? We are very close to MVP now so changing to a different framework would delay this proof of concept version?

BexB1 commented 7 years ago

That's a fair point. I'll stash thoughts of migrating the framework for now, it can be done for v 2.0.