Closed zchaoz closed 12 years ago
Also, decrease the hearing/making sound of the wolves and sheep. The sound just scares the shit out of the sheep and they don't want to move anymore. Forever going nuts!
Oh, don't worry about that. The hearing stuff needs to be tweaked a LOT, Andy will deal with it asap.
As for the weird NRE you're getting- I saw it a few times today, but I've got no idea what could cause it. As far as I knew, the only way to invoke that bug was reloading your script assemblies at runtime because it wipes all the initialisation data, but if you're not doing that then I have no idea what's happening there.
Hearing stuff is mostly fixed.
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object PlayerLegs.translate (Vector2 offset) (at Assets/Scripts/Interaction/PlayerLegs.cs:8) PlayerBehaviour.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/Actors/PlayerBehaviour.cs:37)
When I try to make player pass through the debris or the building (for fun), it popped up. It's really rare.